I also went by the local nursery that has the best selection of fruit trees, most are developed by the University of Florida and should do very well in our area. Any advice on any of the ones list? I'm going to read up and make a chart on drop time to hopefully spread out the drop time and a buddy is going to buy his at the same time hopefully bulk will help with a discount.
Peach - FL Prince, FL Star, FL Peach, Fl Gold, Early Grande
Pear - Florahoma, Hood, Shinko Asian, Baldwin, Pineapple
Plum - Gulf Ruby, Scarlet Beauty (Red), Gulf Rose, Gulf Gold
Nectarine - Sun Raycer, Sun Home
Persimmon - Fuyu
Apple - Golden Dorsett, Red Delicious
Chestnuts - Revival, Auburn Leader, Carpenter, Williamette
Blackberries - Arapaho
Pecan - Sumner, Lakoto, Elliot, McMillan