Working towards Paradise!

Talk to the forester yesterday. They will be 4rowing the pines and cutting out crap tree sometime in the next couple of months....right in the middle of the season. Anyways what kind i do to prepare for that and what should i do right after they cut? I told him i wanted the row taken out in front of the stand so to allow a better shooting lane and maybe even put some seed down. only problem with that is there is a highway 800-1000yrds down the row.
It seems like everyone wants to do their "work" during deer season! Just like clockwork the power company decides to clear our power line on a small property we own on the first week of our rifle season every 6th year :(

Luckily last time was 2 falls ago...
Opening morning was a little slow. Doe and fawn came in abt 8:15am and hung around till abt 8:45am.

Saw another doe abt 630pm in the pasture stand. Two buck have been there every evening between 630-730pm this week they skipped Saturday but were back Sunday evening but i wasn't sitting lol figures!
Spent a couple days up at my grandparent in Kings Mountain NC did a little scouting and picked up some chestnuts. Great long weekend in the woods.

Yes I'm going to plant them all and I have another 60 from wbpdeer that I'm planting. They are in the fridge now.
I have been working on cleaning up some space in our sun-room to start seeds this winter/spring, i have two sets of lights to hang if i need them and a couple chicken heating lights. I was thinking of building some kind of table at window level but that is about as far as i have gotten. Looking for room maker pots but haven't found them local i think i will end up having to order them.

On Saturday went and looked at a tractor with my hunting buddy. He restored this tractor about 10yrs ago and sold it and now might buy it back. Food plots are about to get a lot easier and bigger.
We picked up the tractor on Friday and spent a couple hours Sunday cleaning it up and making a list of parts. Anyone else using a Moline?
Season has been slow but still sitting as much as possible. Started working on a tree that is dying and in the middle of a future plot. Lots of firewood to cut.

I'd say a hog!

Cool tractor---those are some huge back tires. Never heard of that brand of tractor. Looks like it is a work horse.
