Paige and the baby left Saturday afternoon and me and the kids went to the stand. Anna went to the tower stand and saw about 20 turkeys that evening. I hunted with my seven year old John. As soon as we got settled, I turned around and saw a small buck easing through the woods behind us. About 30 min later, two big does moved through the thicket beside us. Then about an hour before dark, A group of three does work up to our right.
John has never shot at a deer but as the lead doe stepped out, he prepared himself, put on his earphones, clicked off safety and aimed at the doe. As she stepped out into an opening about 30 yards away, he shoots!
The deer run off and I look at him... he was soooo nervous! I asked if he felt like it was a good shot and he said he did.
We waited a little while and then climbed down to start tracking. We looked, and looked, and looked. Never finding any blood
After an hour of intense searching and not a single drop of blood spotted, we called off the search. John and I both were heartbroken!
Weve practiced some more shooting at home and he and I feel he is ready for another chance. I think he just got a little nervous on his first deer.