Some other habitat work done recently was my first attempt at "hack n squirt"
I experimented in four separate areas (stand locations).
Two areas I used 41% glyphosate undiluted. The other spots I mixed it to 50/50 water/glyphosate.
I targeted the many maple trees in my woods, most in the 2"-12" diameter range.
I also sprayed a little on the foliage of maples that I cut down over the winter that are stump sprouting back up.
It was a good way for me to 1. Kill some undesirable trees to improve the habitat and 2. Survey browsing on different species of tree leaves in different areas of the property.
I don't know all the species of small trees I took out in these areas other than know I took out every maple, sweet gum, poplar and non mast producing tree I could if they were under drip line of any big white oak.
The deer seem to prefer browsing on poplar leaves the most with nearly all of them I found had signs of browsing. About 1 in 5 maples had evidence of deer browseing. Some areas had more browsing than others but overall I feel like the place is not anywhere near overbrowsed. There is a lot of food for deer around the roads and openings. Briars, honey suckle and native grass is pretty abundant and So I don't feel the need to take out a bunch of does this season although I don't feel like it would hurt if we reduced the herd by a few.
I'll be curious to see the outcome of my hack n squirt work. Hopefully it will let more sunlight in, helping native browse and to give more nutrients and water to mast producing oaks.