Yes it is!Pretty sure both of you have a "keeper" in each other. Pretty special to share the woods with each other!
I know your in the last few precious minutes of daylight (when shrubs that you've spent all afternoon looking at suddenly look like deer) but I thought I would let you know that I trapped one of our beloved armadillos... and then it proceeded to tear the crap out of my trap! He's still alive and well
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Good luck with him!Well...don't know how to say this...
I saw 8 deer this evening...laid back 9 was number 8. It was getting pretty dim in the timber when I took my shot and I couldn't pick out the mystical flight of the arrow but it blew straight though him...somewhere... He bucked like a mule and ran right through the brush headlong. He slowed at the edge of the creek bottom before he went down into the bottom. I could hear him stumbling and crashing but he for a short distance. I listened and heard him move a little further but he sounded badly hurt. It got dark quickly.
I got down and found my arrow that was bloody but not with lung blood. More just a muscle type blood that had only stained the arrow and not completely covered it. No blood immediately but I did find it within 10 yards. Poor trail mostly "wiped" type blood on white oak seedling leaves. A few drops of really dark blood. I followed the trail perhaps 25 yards and made the decision to back out till morning. It is 66 now and supposed to be low 50's by morning.
I am doing that roller coaster of emotions thing right now...
I found him less than 15 yards from where I left off last night