Wow just an awesome story, hunt, and buck. Couldn't happen to a better guy. Congrats, and maybe you should pray for drought every year. Great job thinking of where and when to hunt. Can't kill one sitting on the couch. Loved the arms too short pick. Again, congrats.
Enjoyed the story buddy. I was showing your pic to my partner then stuck my phone in my pocket-that's when I butt dialed you.
Congrats again
If any hunter ever deserved a deer, you deserved that one! Congrats on a great hunt!
Great job on the laid back 9! Glad you got him before he left.
Seriously, congrats! I really felt for you when you couldn't find him last night, with all the drought problems a win like this was overdue! What a great history and to have it finally come together for you, just awesome.
Great deer and so cool to have all the history with him as well...glad it was an uneventful recovery! Enjoy the moment!
Actually I think there are allot more than people realize...I have pictures of some real dandies on our deer lease. I got a picture of a great one on Home 10 the other night and friends share pictures from all around the county with me of deer that make the deer we have look like dinks... What county are you hunting?That buck is a stud! Congratulations. There aren't many that size in Cherokee county (other than those on your place)!
Absolutely- I felt like I was following a soap opera for men with the history you had with him and other deer. The patience, perseverance and hard work you put into that moment makes it more than just "a deer" and "a deer hunt." And considering all that along with the fact the coyotes didn't get to him-- I'd say you must be living right!I have been talking and posting about that deer for a couple of years now. The thing about him was not his rack because we have others with bigger racks. It was all about age with this deer! Thank You
Actually I think there are allot more than people realize...I have pictures of some real dandies on our deer lease. I got a picture of a great one on Home 10 the other night and friends share pictures from all around the county with me of deer that make the deer we have look like dinks... What county are you hunting?
Thank you - I love having a history with a deer. That never really happened Pre-trailcam because I would just go and never really see the best the places had to offer because I would kill something with less age than I wanted to because I figured that was the best the place had to offer. Now I can get a real good feel for what is available and if something I have never gotten a picture of that is more mature than what I have pics of I know in an instant and can get the shot. Trail cameras are saving a bunch of younger deer allowing them to get age...I was just talking to someone at work and he said he used to just kill the first buck he saw but now he has a trail cam and he is seeing all these good bucks so he is a lot more picky. The age structure of bucks in Oklahoma is certainly increasing whether because of that or some other reason I don't know... Good luck when you start getting to go hunting! I have 2 jobs and one of them is Self employment but I make it a point since it is seasonal type work to be done before October 1st...Absolutely- I felt like I was following a soap opera for men with the history you had with him and other deer. The patience, perseverance and hard work you put into that moment makes it more than just "a deer" and "a deer hunt." And considering all that along with the fact the coyotes didn't get to him-- I'd say you must be living right!I'm just sitting here hoping my insane work schedule lets me and the kids hunt when the rut starts, since I haven't been out yet and won't have a chance for at least another week and a half. Oh the joys of self-employment!
Okie...Just saw you buck in the bowhunter section. You are the MAN!!! Congrats on getting it done so early on a great buck!
Nice buck! Congrats! Loved seeing the history on him leading up to the kill!
Have you ever been stopped by the po po in Stringtown? I certainly have but luckily have avoided a ticket...We have a lease down in Atoka county about 7 miles east of Stringtown. I also hunt some family land in Pott county in between Prague and Shawnee. My oldest deer have come from our lease. My avatar is the oldest deer that I have gotten so far. I think it aged out at 6.5 years. At our Atoka county lease we have a traditional deer camp and just hanging out around the fire has become as fun to me as the actual hunt. My kids are starting to become old enough to be able to enjoy it too.
Have you ever been stopped by the po po in Stringtown? I certainly have but luckily have avoided a ticket...
What you described is exactly why we keep our deer lease. We have all the amenities down there with the electricity. Have to haul water but I fill our tank on our camper so we have nice hot showers and running water. We have a nice fire pit and we bought and had a tin shelter installed out there with our long picnic table under it so we can all eat together even in the rain. We have our scales and skinning area, archery and firearm target ranges and a creek that runs right beside and behind camp. Everyone gets along and we take the grandkids down to camp and deer hunt and we have some really nice deer to pursue down there with plenty of land to roam on. We will keep it as long as we are allowed to...
That's a real nice deer in your Avatar. Congrats!
That sounds great!Thankfully I never was stopped but had the car in front and behind me pulled over there. Your camp sounds like us but we don't have electricity. We love it there. I don't plan on getting off the lease until forced to. We have an outhouse there which includes a shower that heats the water using propane and deep cycle batteries to run the pump that pumps out of a tote.
Kansas shared a little overnight...