"Whitetail Hollow" - 90 Acres NE Oklahoma.

Dang! That was a close one!!!
Glad you are ok, trees are dangerous. I had a friend who died from a limb while trimming in the backyard.

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That would be a really bad way to go...right there with family watching...Widow Makers everywhere you look when trees are involved...
I usually just read posts and not comment but had to on this one. Be careful out there! One just never knows what might happen. Your guardian angel was definitely watching out for you. Glad you're okay.
Dang buddy. The good lord was watching out for the Kubota man yesterday.

Well the 2 to 4" of rain ended up being 1/2"

Glad you are ok my friend
Yes he was...I don't usually think what is happening will be my demise but Saturday I certainly did...

The reason I am a rain pessimist on forecast...
Good grief man that was a close one, glad you're okay!

Real bummer about the rain, looks like those of us to the east are going to miss this system.

Thank You - We got a little rain on our 80 but our Home 10 didn't get a thing :(
Pushing trees makes me nervous. Especially if they snap off like that! No rain again, that stinks!

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They make me nervous as well and is the reason I just nudge them a little to see if they are ready to go over softly. If you have to push at more than idle then they are not ready...

Yes, no rain stinks!
Wow that was close - so happy you are alright and the good Lord and Kubota engineering were looking out for you!

Be safe my friend!

Thank you much sir. The top wasn't designed for anything like that but certainly protected me from a really bad injury or death...
Man, glad you are ok. And I might be looking for a roof for my little tractor. Either that or leave those trees alone. Seems they always want to bounce back. Be careful, Johnny.....and I will too.

I highly recommend the roof. Mine is made by Wells and I may just buy a new one but if not this one will be repaired. I have a little work to do today so I have the tractor with me now. Thanks Milt - I will try to be more careful...
Scary stuff right there Johnny. Thank God you had the roof! I swear the older I get the more fear I have of tractors. I never wore my seatbelt until I almost tipped over last year spreading manure. Now it's the 1st thing I do when I get on the tractor. Falling trees...whole different set of fears.
Seatbelt is first thing I put on as well when I climb onboard. I was working at a loading dock once and a guy I was working with got the 2 side wheels off the dock and the lift started falling so he tried to jump out but he jumped the direction of fall and the cage mashed him and killed him. Had he stayed inside the lift he would have been alive today...
I love trees but they are very unforgiving...
Dang Okie, glad you ok. I got about half sick looking at that pic. I don't do half the stuff with tractor used to thanks to some of the stuff you guys have shown over the years. Trees do some wierd things. I have a few good logging friends and the stories of what they have seen even a good tree do over the years is real scary. Thanks for showing...I think.

Caution is a good thing dogg - I brushhog some pretty scary stuff with hills being the scariest but it didn't compare to watching that tree top falling toward me and knowing it would mash me right down into my seat...
I usually just read posts and not comment but had to on this one. Be careful out there! One just never knows what might happen. Your guardian angel was definitely watching out for you. Glad you're okay.
The infamous Oklabucks! I see you browsing quite often but you are right - not many postings. I feel honored you posted on this one sir...Guardian angel was on duty for sure!
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That's the truth, after that windstorm a couple months back I have snags everywhere.

Glad you didn't get hurt, hopefully the tractor is an easy fix. Stay safe.
I think the tractor will be OK. The roof is pretty wopper jawed and I have a new "character" dent in the hood but hydraulics are all still fine and I actually am using it as is until I can start straightening things out again...

That wind left a bunch of dangerous stuff hanging in the trees this year. Be safe!
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After the tractor fiasco was cleared up my wife showed up at the lease with 2 of our grandsons. Eli came to shoot his deer rifle while little brother provided support...lol









A couple of shots and Eli is ready!



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I got a chance Sunday morning to run across the road to look at our north plot up on the hollow. It is really doing well. Planted in Daikon Radish, WR, WW, clover... Tree in center I killed with hack n squirt last fall...


This is what happens when you leave a tree in your plots when conditions are dry! The tree takes all the moisture and leaves none for the plantings within it's root zones :(


This is our south plot which has an armadillo infestation right now...


Deer trail around the head of 1 of the many hollows on our property...


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That's crazy..glad nothing worse came of it..equipment can always be replaced, you cannot.

The rain vortex continues around my house, which is not too far from your home 10. It was nice enough to downpour on me in the woods 2 miles from my car near McAlester.
That would be a really bad way to go...right there with family watching...Widow Makers everywhere you look when trees are involved...
It was bad. He laid in a hospital bed for a week with a wife and two young kids watching over him. The doc said he was improving and then he took a turn for the worst that night. I'm glad you had the roof protection that you did.

Armadillo damage looks just like mine. I have three traps set right now. Hopefully soon.
Still amazed that the rain missed you... again!
My folks use a live trap to catch theirs. They took 2 - 2x6's and made it to where it would funnel it directly into the trap from its hole. Almost like a "V" shape. You might look around there for any holes and set up a trap that way. It may work, who knows?
Here is a picture of farm logs. Our hunting properties lay north to south in tha same county with N80 (Whitetail Hollow) and the lease being the southern property and they both got rain but that middle property has a force field around it :(


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I want that whole package! If a guy does a lot of brushhogging (like I do) and has a cab then really you need to go around the fields and cut all the limbs that hang out and down that will get the cab...I get slapped around a lot by limbs :(
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I tell you what... it was really hard to make the trek to work this morning and had it been after the 1st of October I may not have made it. 41 degrees, calm, beautiful morning and 2 bucks in our backyard. First morning I have worn a jacket. Perfect type day I love to hunt...
Glad you are alright from the tree. I cleared pipeline right of way in my youth. So cut a ton of trees and moved a lot of brush with small tractors, as well as mowed right of way after clearing. I have seen many incidents as the one you had, the difference was we had complete roll cages on our tractors but still saw guys get major injuries. You were definitely blessed on that day. I had a pretty good sized tree dropped on my back about 20 years ago and didn't realize how bad it was screwed up until the past 5 years. Be careful around those widow makers, they get their name for a reason. Hope you see some good rain soon.