"Whitetail Hollow" - 90 Acres NE Oklahoma.

Cool! Anytime you need help killing off a hog my boys would love a chance at a hog hunt. They (me included) have never seen one, much less shot one.

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I am hoping we are out of hogs for awhile...I am not fond of them as it seems when they are around the deer leave...

If some move back in we can probably work something out :)
Well I finally found my scales down at "Home 10" so I decided to weigh the hog...he was not far off what I thought...scales show 304...



I am pointing at where I hit him... Never bled a drop...



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Johnny...You da man! That is one big pig! I forgot to mention it in my update earlier but I shot a much smaller boar in our cabin field before I left today. Brooks shot 3 more last week. We have put a hurting on the pig population this summer and pleased to say that I didn't see a single pig other than the one I shot this morning while at the farm. Imagine sticking that thing about dark in thick cover with your recurve and it turning toward you. Those choppers would not be a pleasant encounter.

Love the deer harvest pics. Looks like a great bunch of guys! Particularly like the pic of the gentleman in the denim blue overalls.
Glad you got that hog! Sounds like he was doing lots of damage.

He was really starting to be a huge nuisance. He pretty much has bullied most of the deer off our place over the last couple weeks...they should move back in now!

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Johnny...You da man! That is one big pig! I forgot to mention it in my update earlier but I shot a much smaller boar in our cabin field before I left today. Brooks shot 3 more last week. We have put a hurting on the pig population this summer and pleased to say that I didn't see a single pig other than the one I shot this morning while at the farm. Imagine sticking that thing about dark in thick cover with your recurve and it turning toward you. Those choppers would not be a pleasant encounter.

Love the deer harvest pics. Looks like a great bunch of guys! Particularly like the pic of the gentleman in the denim blue overalls.

When I set my stuff out last night to hunt him this morning I got my bow out but when I realized I was going to be hunting in the rain spot and stalk style I decided to grab the old rifle...glad I did!

The gentleman in blue is a very, very good friend of mine named Larry. He is one of the best trad archery shots and hunter I have ever known. We have been great friends for many, many years and even though he walks with a limp and cane a lot he is the guy that would do anything for you and work much younger guys into the ground! We hang on to our deer lease because Larry and his wife Elaine are a joy to be around and it makes our time down there extra special...

This is Larry helping me...


This is him with the doe I let him shoot over on "Home 10" a couple years ago when he was having trouble getting a deer on the lease...


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Lots of great deer pics. The one thing I miss about not being in a lease is the people and the good times around the fire at night. I am considering joining back up with the lease that I was in before I bought my property. It is only 15 miles from my 80 and would give me another option to keep the pressure off my place. Nice pig, looks like hogzilla:eek:
Lots of great deer pics. The one thing I miss about not being in a lease is the people and the good times around the fire at night. I am considering joining back up with the lease that I was in before I bought my property. It is only 15 miles from my 80 and would give me another option to keep the pressure off my place. Nice pig, looks like hogzilla:eek:
We have a nice setup down there...

I enjoy the evening around the fire chats and as mentioned you can take a lot of pressure off your small acreage and still have quality hunting!

Not the biggest pig I have ever gotten but was a real healthy one!
Spraying plots today... already resprayed cleth on plots here on the hollow to kill grass. Headed to Home 10 to spray plots there with gly...
Spraying plots today... already resprayed cleth on plots here on the hollow to kill grass. Headed to Home 10 to spray plots there with gly...

It never ends. I need to disc in my fall oat plots have already mowed them with tractor and shredder. I don't spray my fall plots, I found by the time you plant at sept 15 the growing season is about over and I don't have much of a weed problem after that. If I do have a few weeds after the oats come up I just go in and mow over the top of the oats and that pretty eliminates the weeds for the rest of the year.

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