"Whitetail Hollow" - 90 Acres NE Oklahoma.

What a great read to start my morning Kubota. Good job on yote. Tapatalk is some pretty cool stuff, where have I been?
All right. With TapaTalk I won't even have to get out of my recliner to go hunting. I will get up early, kick back with the foot rest, and just hunting along with OK. Good job on the yote, and I know you enjoyed just being in the woods!
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We had some red oaks produce and almost no white oaks last yr. We seem to be flip-flopped as its looking like we will have a great crop of whites this yr.

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I have always heard that red oaks take 2 years to produce but there is one right outside my office that produces a bumper crop every year. It's a Native tree and not 1 that was planted here. Shumard is our native strain... It's loaded no and was loaded last year, and the year before...etc...

White oaks on our place are spotty with just a few trees having acorns this year. I probably need to move some stands to those areas...
Johnny - Got a feeling the pig's days are numbered. Great pics!
I am certainly hoping so. The past couple of years the 3 boar hogs we have had have left my plots alone. I killed one of them last November while rifle hunting and then this past turkey season I was hunting the cattle guys place for turkeys (with permission) and I met 3 of the other turkey hunters over there and while we were talking boar hog #2 just decides to walk right by us so I put 2 3" #6's into him at about 15 yards and 1 of the other guys put a 3" #5 into him and we rolled him but he got up and ran off. We never found any blood but that hog had to have died because he completely disappeared off the trail cam radar.

This last white boar hog is starting to get super active and he runs all the deer off of everything and he eats all the corn, rice bran, wallows in the ponds, roots in the plots, etc... He's gotta go!
What a great read to start my morning Kubota. Good job on yote. Tapatalk is some pretty cool stuff, where have I been?
Thanks dogghr - If the weather will hold a little bit I may have some more but once it gets back to mid 90's and up I will be doing something else. My wife bought a thermacell and I certainly wished I had it last night! I had asked before on the QDMA forum if we could get tap a talk but no dice. Now if you are out and about and want to post a picture you can do it in real time.
All right. With TapaTalk I won't even have to get out of my recliner to go hunting. I will get up early, kick back with the foot rest, and just hunting along with OK. Good job on the yote, and I know you enjoyed just being in the woods!
It's gonna be great this fall! You will think you are in the tree with me ;)

Yotes were howling everywhere when I left the woods last night. Between stuff crashing off through the brush, deer snorting, and coyotes howling, and mosquito's buzzing it was a pretty noisy walk out... 1 less fawn killer!
Did I mention we are dry...

This is a photo of the Durana white clover on Home 10 in April...


This what it looked like yesterday...


In Missouri this would be a river but here we call them creeks.




Loblolly/pitch seedlings now dying off...


Our last shower we got was on July 4th and upper 90's to low 100's have taken their toll...

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Did you stay home from work this week so you could update your thread on the new forum? Ha, we are glad you did!
In Missouri this would be a river but here we call them creeks.

In north Missouri I would call that a ditch maybe a small crick (creeks are for city kids). Rivers would be things like the Missouri or Mississippi. :D

The clover plot does look like it could use a little water, but it sure was pretty back in April.
In north Missouri I would call that a ditch maybe a small crick (creeks are for city kids). Rivers would be things like the Missouri or Mississippi. :D

The clover plot does look like it could use a little water, but it sure was pretty back in April.
I was just giving Brushpile a hard time. In his post he calls a "Crick" a River when he always talks about that little creek near his land getting low... Here a small river would be the Illinois river...
Can't buy even a drop of rain. It has rained close on 4 sides of both our properties and completely missed both...


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Perhaps the reason it won't rain here is because we had guttering put up a few weeks ago...not a drop of moisture has run through this yet :(



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Maybe you should wash you truck, water your yard, and set a trot line. Might rain then!!!

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Johnny, the gutter picture shows a good closeup of your house. Man the siding color and the masonry job really complement each other. Good job!
I forget, did you do your own stone work?

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I hired a really good mason and we used native stone for the corners from our other property. I think the mason work turned out excellent and so did the guttering...in savings mode again :)
Johnny, the gutter picture shows a good closeup of your house. Man the siding color and the masonry job really complement each other. Good job!
Thanks, we spent a lot of time trying to find a good brick to use with just the right shades and then it took months to get it because they had to do a run of them before we could get any.

Interesting tidbit is in Oklahoma it is hard to get brick because Texas buys all of them up :(