A few things going on over here in Okie land. My wife made a choice to make a big change in her life... She has been Quality Director at a Federal Hospital that we both work at for many years. She has wanted to move her career in an upwardly direction yet she was caught in the unspoken but known problem of being so good at her job that nobody wanted her to move in our Oklahoma Area. My wife being the type person she is applied for the Deputy CEO position in the Rosebud, SD area. She had been up there a few times helping them with their quality program with one time being over a month. We knew something was up when they offered to fly her up for an interview. She took a couple days of leave and flew up for the interview and it went very well with them giving her a full tour and introduced her to all the department heads. They also let her know the position was a 1 year probationary position to groom her for the actual CEO position since she helped their facility so much in the past. She had a 3hour drive back to the airport in a snowstorm and flew back home. A couple days later she got the official offer with a very generous relocation package that would pay off a lot of our bills. We decided the cost of living may be too high but the Hospital countered that they had housing on campus at minimal cost. She will be in a nice duplex very near the hospital...this is remote country with Walmart being over 2 hours away. We spoke, prayed and after much thought she decided this was a once in a lifetime opportunity to live like no other so we would be able to retire like no other... we have a 5 year plan which will pay off our land/home and every bill we have and she will have transformed the hospital with her quality program and we will be able to retire much sooner than expected...I will be traveling up as often as feasible and she will be coming home as often as possible and I am looking forward to some fishing and pheasant hunting as well as a lot of sightseeing and’s a big change for us...
Our next change is our lease has gone up substantially this year. The gentleman who owns it gave acres to the Boy Scouts a few years ago and they have decided to make it a money making venture so our 1500 acres we have is going up...I am contemplating not getting back on for the first time in 22 years because my vacation time will be used mainly visiting my wife in SD. We have great hunting here at home so the dollars spent leasing could be used on our place here at home...have more thinking to do on that...
Got very little time in the past 2 weeks to get any habitat work done. I pick up another department tomorrow to add to the other 2 I have and have a lot of work yet to do...I was pleased to see the deer have taken to my clear cutting and burn I did a couple weeks ago...
I also attended a small gun show this weekend and picked up a cherry pre-safety mechanism Marlin Model 336 30/30. My goal is to give one to every grandson (4) because this was my first deer rifle...