Upstate Obsession

nothing like setting a target - I wish you luck! He looks a lot like ours do when they start to get some age on them.
Looked like that high 5 point shed his velvet already - its getting close!
EC77B8BC-018C-44D5-BFF8-13E7087158EF.jpeg C1D91262-1CB7-4407-8B09-2A229E27AB05.jpeg B2935241-EBA0-495B-B7B2-B195DD19CB56.jpeg Bears have been trouble, knocking down 1/8th acre of corn, biting ears in half. Curious about the two. Clearly not siblings, and the smaller of the 2 is I believe 3 or 4 years old (sows chase off Cubs the spring of their second year generally). I’d guess big one is 275-300lbs (I saw him today on a walk).
64E2E04C-7BF4-4F4B-AEF1-3CC3D5AE0DF6.jpeg F9A8EB80-84B5-4A30-B8B5-427F24D3DA56.jpeg Most bucks have not shed yet. I started a dozen mock scrapes today. Should start getting regular photos from them. Happy to say fall is in the air.... We’ve had 2 weeks of highs in the 60s. Bow season is 22 days out:)
Very nice! Our bucks are 50/50 shed velvet as of 9/8. your bucks look a lot like mine frame/tines etc. Nice group there! I cannot believe bow is so close! I took off three days the 1st week + the weekend - so looking forward to some time with no obligations!!!
I cannot believe you got bears sparing on camera - what an awesome picture!!
24E71482-3FA1-489E-805E-3DAEA0B9A104.jpeg2E085D76-4B27-4F85-B5D9-3B1DBE6CE55A.jpeg ED396020-4F48-490E-994F-A73964D08F3C.jpeg Made it upstate to do some chores and check a few new plots. This triticale/oats/clover/GHR was put in 3 weeks ago. Deer are hammering the new grain. When I pulled the card this morning, there were 20+ deer in it including several 31/3 8pts.
F964A425-6AD7-4986-90FA-897F1980D41B.jpeg C0FB1670-7AC9-4C3C-A978-DCFC98BEDB46.jpeg F967BD2D-714B-4F7D-AF11-0C65AA319A1B.jpeg About 1/2 of the bucks have rubbed. Bucks are showing more interest in does, even those who’ve yes to shed their velvet.
C13A5F18-7CFA-4938-8AA5-44F52990E7F3.jpeg Damned bears have really moved in. I’ve got multiple bear pics on multiple cameras every day. They’ve been knocking down my corn....just because....:(. I hope the stars align when bow season starts....2 weeks to go. I figure I’ve got at least 4 different ones on the place daily. This is one of the two I’d happily punch a tag on.
6E7B5A25-6EF2-4F00-B942-108059796D18.jpeg 13EA097D-A5AC-4F30-91D3-AC2B6348484F.jpeg 96BF6F97-BF5C-4247-92F2-ABBC10662BB5.jpeg Sat in a blind watching a plot tonight. This guy came into 30 yds. You can see where he’s knocking down corn....because he can.... Arrows will fly in 2 weeks.
Do they even eat the corn? Do they roll in it? Bears are starting to take over my place as well. Multiple piles of bear crap under my apples. Luckily they have only broke one tree so far.
Yes, in the spring, if there’s left over corn, we’ll sit on our front porch and watch several every morning and evening. I saw 3 different bears last September on walks or sitting in the same blind. They’ve gone nocturnal starting the last week of September the last 3 years. Of course, come late March, they’re out at all hours trying to find good eats. I think they know when hunting season starts.....
Exactly why we can’t have nice things, the bear. Tear up anything and everything, hope you whack a few of them in the up coming weeks.
We are only just starting to see them. Definitely not regular. I've always hear hogs were like that but never really thought bears could be. Things are looking great on your property - Good luck in 2 weeks!!
Yes, in the spring, if there’s left over corn, we’ll sit on our front porch and watch several every morning and evening. I saw 3 different bears last September on walks or sitting in the same blind. They’ve gone nocturnal starting the last week of September the last 3 years. Of course, come late March, they’re out at all hours trying to find good eats. I think they know when hunting season starts.....
Tom, it is a funny thing with animals in the fall. At our cottage rentals I used to take all of the nickel cans and bottles and turn them in and then buy corn with the proceeds. Some weeks brought in a few hundred cans so it turned into a lot of corn.The corn was used to feed the ducks which by mid July walked all around us on the lawn as if we were one of them. Sometimes there would literally be 100 plus mallard ducks hanging out with us at the picnic table. Sometime in September as if a switch was set they would fly anytime we stood up or moved. By the end of September except for a few diehards they absolutely avoided us. Of course we never threatened them in any way; it is just something that is programmed in them to change their trusting behavior more and more as summer turned into fall.It had nothing to do with us;it simply is their way. Perhaps other animals such as your bears also have that type of programming in them.
Hard to say Dave. I’ve sure noticed deer are a lot less spooky in the spring and summer. I do suspect they sense increased human activity and respond accordingly. In the weeks before hunting season, I keep the Atv’s parked and only check things out by foot. I suspect I ultimately leave more scent in the woods this way....not to suggest Atv’s don’t leave scent ( and obviously create noise). I’ve a couple times watched bears come to atv track that’s been used in the preceding 24 hours, smell it, and turn around and go the other way.
3829D7A2-D0F7-4DE1-8D6E-20B923559975.jpeg 975C6C1F-D203-4D30-8594-3A4B642EFD94.jpeg 5EF85A49-04D1-4ACF-BF45-98B64D5B82A2.jpeg 92A80624-219D-4326-967E-1EB61E18751E.jpeg 99C1532D-A8F7-436E-BA76-727464A487DE.jpeg 2DFC16C9-D634-416A-AD51-252BD5027152.jpeg Made it upstate after a 2 week busy time. I now think we might have 5 or 6 bears on the place. They’ve flattened 1/4 acre of corn, and they’re going to town on turnips....and recent triticale/oats planting. They’re also hitting acorns which are heavy this year..... the deer are as spooky as I’ve ever seen them. The good news? Arrows will fly Tuesday.