Upstate Obsession

And what else did my cameras show this week? Another shithead trespasser. The guy parked at gate complete with no trespassing signs and spent 30 minutes on my place with a metal detector. I think I know who he is. When confirmed, I'll press charges and simultaneously file a civil action. I'm going to make an example of him.

Sorry to hear about the trespasser Tom. At least it is a good time of year to deal with them. Hope you get him. It sure seems odd though that someone would park at the gate and just waltz right by the signs. Could it be a gas line worker or an electric/phone line worker?

The doe/fawn picture is excellent;that is a small fawn. On the bears I clocked one once with a dirt bike;he was running with ease at 23 mph. That would easily catch a fawn. If in the fall you see mostly does with only one fawn then the bears may be putting a hurting on them. Here we see mostly two young of the year with our does in the fall so we figure the coyotes aren't getting too many(no bears here usually). Of course this early it is as normal to see a doe with one fawn here as two.[/QUOTE]
Maybe he was looking for gold! LOL. I seem to be lucky that bears seem to not be around much in the summer. They show up mainly in the fall. I have not seen any evidence that they have taken any fawns here but I have seen where they cleaned up full size deer during season. I assume wounded game and I bet they can track those down pretty easy with their nose. Like chainsaw said I'm seeing usually 2 fawns per doe so coyote and bear predation is under control right now. Hopefully anyway. What I have noticed is that the turkey population is taking a huge hit with birds of prey. we're at an all time high of eagles and osprey and I am finding turkey parts all over the place. When the turkeys come out in the open there's no chance against these birds.
View attachment 7631 10 minutes later, this guy came by..... I don't know what black bear predation of whitetail fawns is. I know in well documented studies in Idaho, black bears are responsible for 30%+ of all calf elk mortality. Makes me wonder what's going on at my place.

These animals have been getting a free pass and are starting to stake their claim in the catskills. Time to start shooting
Great post Matt, thanks.

Buckly, when I shot my turkey last month, I kept calling becaus it was with another long beard. Within 2 minutes, a bald eagle flew down to feed. Fortunately, he was chased off by crows. I was amazed at how quickly he spotted it because we simply don't see eagles on the place very often.

I positively identified the trespasser today (it doesn't pay to violate the law wearing a company logo on your shirt). I'm going call the state police when I'm back upstate this weekend (haven't found the DEC particularly responsive).
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You might want to out another camera on the first. He will definitely know where that one is. Not saying he would do it but it would not surprise me.
View attachment 7631 10 minutes later, this guy came by..... I don't know what black bear predation of whitetail fawns is. I know in well documented studies in Idaho, black bears are responsible for 30%+ of all calf elk mortality. Makes me wonder what's going on at my place.
Pretty cool bear pics you getting. Glad the one didn't go for ride in your car. On news here the other day, one had crawled in open car and trashed it. And on news in Idaho one broke into house and even ate out of there freezer. They are like a coon on steroids, all the smarts with bunch of strength.
As for fawn mortality, studies show they take as many if not more than coyotes. I personally think they are more a problem with that than the yotes as they hunt more with a great nose whereas yotes tend to be more sight oriented for them. Improving bedding areas only way to win the battle. I only have trouble with the young boars that may pass thru, but doesn't take long for my grouchy old boar to keep them at bay.
Can you guys have long bear season? Can you use dogs? If not, you will.
Dog, our bear season is plenty long (10/1 to just before Christmas) but no dogs or baiting. Bears go nocturnal in summer and pretty much stay that way through hunting season. I'm a little surprised they're not hitting corn 24/7 in December just before hibernation.
Regarding the guy trespassing do you get the feeling it was random, like he was just searching for something cool to find or like he was searching for something specific?
I'd guess looking for something cool. The guy owns a local contracting business---I remain surprised at the utter disregard for property rights. Gonna drive by hi place this weekend to see if he's posted his own property. Bet he has.
Maybe he will be in the yard,then get out and just take a nice walk across his property and when he ask WTH you doing show him the pic.
i don't get all worked up over trespassers - my neighbor does in spades and that makes it easier for me I'm sure.
I'm not a hater -not enough time in this lifetime for that in my opinion.

over the years - I've had -

kids on 4 wheelers
divorcees - walking dog
a few sightseers
Drunk guys 4 wheeling at night
neighbors wives taking pics
people looking for their dog
A guy retrieving a horse
an old guy (neighbor) hunting birds
a couple hunters expanding their range - (this one is borderline for me) - but I've not had to call police -

I've had a few friendly talks with some folks - Where I own - I think most people are still good at heart - call me naive.
You described my volume of trespassing from this last year alone. I get your point about not getting worked up. However, I've had Atv's make news on to my property from the neighbors (they don't post). And you can guess what the next atv riders do....explore the new trail. I've had 3 cameras and more than a dozen SD cards stolen. Hell, my neighbor to the east has horses on his 100+ acres he refuses fence. They're in my plots eating ny corn every chance they get. Any idea how many ears of corn a couple horses eat in a day? Talking to the horse owners a half dozen times accomplished nothing. To say I'm frustrated and out of patience is an understatement. I've concluded nothing short legal measures will slow the abuse down.... Wish it weren't the case.
You gotta be kidding. I am with others that the animal owners have the most responsibility for the fence. I guess watching and helping my dad fix fence to keep his cattle contained taught me that. Hope it gets better
Got out and looked around yesterday. It's still far to wet to plant my rutabagas and beets. So they'll go in late.... Perhaps this late spring weather is responsible for the gobblers still doing their thing in the morning.
sorry to hear about your trespassing problems. True, fences can make good neighbors. Maybe making an example of one will help - I know other places in NY where landownership is sometime ignored, I have it pretty lucky I guess with my neighbors - and when I do get a real trespasser, most times a talk or a phone call is all that I've had to do.

The wet season is getting to be frustrating. What was lined up to be a great plot set up - now has a few spots behind the 8 ball in quality. Still hoping for the best - I'll probably be replanting fall plots in a few spots.
Time for an update. Our most recent trespasser confessed to the State Police that he knew he was trespassing. That should avoid a trial..... The charges should hit he local rag this week which will help. May still bring a civil action... I'll decide when I see how he's sentenced.

Things are completely saturated here--still too wet to prep the ground for rutabagas and beets. Hoping for this week. We've had more than 6" of rain the last 30 days. Unfortunately, it's been spread out never giving s a chance to dry out.
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IMG_0377.JPG With the plots too wet to disc, I've at least had time to work on good eats. I put this 9lb brisket on the smoker at 5am. It's going in the oven (Texas crutch) for another 5 hours at 225. The wife will do up some baked beans, corn on the cob and hot biscuits to go with it.
How'd the brisket turn out? I gotta try my hand at brisket before long. Did a few cooks over the weekend myself.
Brisket was the best yet flavor wise. It was actually too tender as it simply fell apart when trying to slice. I'm learning the window between undercooked, overcooked, tender and too tender is very narrow. I rubbed a beef rub and smoked for 5 hours. I then added a mix of baby rays/honey and wrapped in foil and put in oven until the internal temp was 203. Each one I've done has gotten better. It's quickly becoming my favor cut to smoke.
Good on the confession Tom. My one convicted trespasser in Iowa looked at the picture and fessed up to the Deputy. In Van Buren county all a trespasser has to do is say "not me" in the picture and that is the end of the case.
