Updates been few and far between. Life is busy. Enjoyed a rare treat at the farm this weekend - SOLITUDE! Arrived Friday afternoon with plans to spend a lot of time on the tractor. When I left this morning I'd logged over 8 hrs of tractor time. Started at daybreak on Saturday bout 6:45 and stopped around 12:30. It got hot by noon. Started again this morning at same time and finished around 9:30. Mowed all but one of the smaller food plots as well as about 1/3 of the interior roads. Put my ear buds in a was serenaded by Chris Stapleton, Eric Church, Drake White and a host of oldies. My fav right now is "Round Here Buzz" by Eric Church. His latest album is really good.
Always nice to see deer in the plots. This is the lower lower plot. Wouldn't know it by the height of the crab grass but there's quite a bit of white clover in here.
Pic of lower lower plot while mowing.
The plot below hasn't been planted in 2 years. The dog fennel was well over head high before i started. The edges where choked with sweet gum saplings, some 12 to 15 ft tall. Took my time and finally got it mowed and used the FEL to clear much of the edge on one side. Had a good bit of left over slash from thinning I had to clear out of the plot after mowing.
Made my way over to the hour glass plot. It is full of clover amongst the weeds. These 2 little piggies wouldn't leave the plot while I was mowing. They just moved away from the tractor on each pass. Shoulda packed a pistol!
Cleared the trail round the duck pond. With all the rain we've had this summer everything is green.
The water hole Brooks put in last March is bout half full right now. The tree tubes in the background are The LLC's grafts from his farm - Yates and Horse apple. All growing very well.
Finished mowing in the cabin field.
I'll finish with my favorite pic from the weekend...moon rising as night fell last night. Whisper quite...drink in hand by fire pit and soaking it all in. All was good with the world. Everybody needs a happy place.