Spent most of the day on Saturday and bout half a day yesterday planting plots. Planted brassicas 2 weeks ago. This weekend, got WW, BFO's, ladino and durana clover planted. Here's a pic of the brassicas planted 2 weeks ago in the upper half of the bean field.
Prepped the entire perimeter of this field and established a good seed bed for replanting of clover. Got a 30 ft wide strip of ladino and durana clover around this field with winter wheat as a nurse crop. Had bout 3.5 inches of rain out of Irma so plenty of moisture in the soil.
This is the south end of the bean field that was clear cut when I timbered in late 2015. Cleared all the stumps, limed heavy and planted clover and winter wheat in this section of the field.
After planting BFOs for past 4 years in the hour glass plot, we switched it up this year and planted forage radish and turnips 2 weeks ago. Ran out of brassicas so I finished it up yesterday with winter wheat. Brassicas are coming along really good in this plot.
Planted upper lower and lower lower plots in BFOs and winter wheat.
Really excited about this 1/3 acre plot this year. I'm establishing a stand of durana clover this plot. Planted yesterday morning with winter wheat as a nurse crop. Put up a new ladder stand on the edge and climbed up in it after planting to check things out.
After all that planting, I took a ride over and checked on the beaver ponds. Peaceful place to sit for a spell. The end of summer in it's full glory. Nature at it's finest!
As always, we ate good on Saturday night. Just the bride and me and 2 of our grandkids. It ate mighty fine after all that planting on Saturday.
Brooks flew out early Saturday morning on his annual trek chasing bulls in Colorado. Got this update last night of his location perched about 10,200 feet in the wilderness. I'm sure he's thinking all is well with the world. I always enjoy getting the updates to show where he's located. Hope he has a few thrilling encounters this week!