The Brushpile

This Chestnut is about !0'x10'.

This chestnut is over 15 feet tall.

It's double trunked, as are many Chinese Chestnuts.
Congrats...still losing trees daily here with no chances of rain. It all just cruised right around us and headed your way...
Sorry to hear about lack of rain.We have had plenty and I haven't watered trees all year.I was doing water rescues last sat night after 7.5 inches in the next town over and I think we have had 4 inches this week
Glad you at least got some rain. I wish I could send y'all some, we have had our fair share. I got soaked today on the tractor:eek:
Congrats...still losing trees daily here with no chances of rain. It all just cruised right around us and headed your way...
Well, it's still a code three emergency here, it was only 1/10th of an inch, but I'll take it! I stretched some hose today; the goal is to produce a few DCO, AC and Sequin nuts, but then everything was dying!!! :eek: The storm was the only tiny storm for miles and it rained with the Sun shining, but it might have bought me a day.

Watering has really gotten old!!! Most of my trees are well established, but no water = death!
Sorry to hear about lack of rain.We have had plenty and I haven't watered trees all year.I was doing water rescues last sat night after 7.5 inches in the next town over and I think we have had 4 inches this week
It's feast or famine. In 2008 and 2009 it was so wet that my planting holes filled with water, and trees died from drowning. I have yet to have a normal year with average rainfall. Send me some of that rain!
Glad you at least got some rain. I wish I could send y'all some, we have had our fair share. I got soaked today on the tractor:eek:

Getting soaked on the tractor is no fun either, but water is life, unless there's too much.
The pond is low and covered in scum. This is a dead Bass, and I'm wondering if there's been a fish kill and if this scum is problematic to the fish?
Hope you get some much needed rain Brush. Pretty bad sign when you have bugs living in your rain gauge.
Hope you get some much needed rain Brush. Pretty bad sign when you have bugs living in your rain gauge.
I had a spider in the rain gauge last month, so this might be a spider nest. Spiders like to nest in dry places and I can't think of a drier place than my rain gauge. :(
Well, it's still a code three emergency here, it was only 1/10th of an inch, but I'll take it! I stretched some hose today; the goal is to produce a few DCO, AC and Sequin nuts, but then everything was dying!!! :eek: The storm was the only tiny storm for miles and it rained with the Sun shining, but it might have bought me a day.

Watering has really gotten old!!! Most of my trees are well established, but no water = death!

One of us (hopefully all) is due a break. I've had 2/10 in 15 days, I must be In the same dry zone as you & Johnny...hopefully we,ll all get some relief soon. I've delayed fall plots until things look better.
One of us (hopefully all) is due a break. I've had 2/10 in 15 days, I must be In the same dry zone as you & Johnny...hopefully we,ll all get some relief soon. I've delayed fall plots until things look better.
I spent the entire day watering, and am losing trees I planted 6-8 years ago! I have Lumite weed mats around my good stuff, and once I water through a Lumite mat the tree can go 2-3 weeks without being watered again. I just wish the weather would normalize, it has been dry all Summer, with each small rain being just in time to ward off death, until now.

I think you, me, Johnny, and this entire area could use hurricane! I still need the 3 inches I was begging for in June!
I spent the entire day watering, and am losing trees I planted 6-8 years ago! I have Lumite weed mats around my good stuff, and once I water through a Lumite mat the tree can go 2-3 weeks without being watered again. I just wish the weather would normalize, it has been dry all Summer, with each small rain being just in time to ward off death, until now.

I think you, me, Johnny, and this entire area could use hurricane! I still need the 3 inches I was begging for in June!

I feel for you Brush, it's dry at my place but I don't have the investment you do so I can wait. Hopefully the weather will cooperate before long,
Yeah, losing planted trees is costly, and then trees need to be planted to take their place. The Fall garden looks like a bust, but is no big deal compared to losing the whole shoot'n match.