Went and cut on the future Oak Savanna today with a buddy. Looks so much better than before we started.
Bucks are still holding so haven't done much shed hunting yet.
Not really to be honest.Looks good. Do you have a feel for what species may come out of the seedbank now that the canopy is opened?
We are doing this on our property as well. Approximately 70 acres of mostly water oaks being cut to a 40 basal forest. We will go back and replant longleaf pine and more desirable oaks to thicken it up. We are getting $14/ton for hardwood pulp.
Not really to be honest.
You will probably see a few species that you don't want but many that will be good. Some spot spraying from an ATV or pickup truck will help you get rid of any undesirables and promote the good species. That's how I manage my prairie, and the beginning of an oak savannah shouldn't be that much different. Good luck.
Nice! I’ve found a handful checking cows but haven’t hit it too hard yet.Found my first fresh sheds today
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WOW! Can I take some of our hardwood pulp down to you? Not nearly that good up here, how far do they have to truck it to the nearest plant? That’s a problem for us , most of the hardwood pulp goes to PA and transport cost kill what they pay the landowner.
They are chipping them in the field (or at least they were until the chipper broke) and transporting them about 25 miles to Charleston. The mills were apparently desperate when they signed the contract with us because our neighbors down the road got $9.75/ton a few weeks earlier).
Are you going to let some thicker cover right behind the stand to break up your outline?Cut a few minutes after lunch on the future oak savanna. Jumped up into a ladder stand to get an overview shot of what we have cut. Behind the stand would be a before look:
And the after look:
Are you going to let some thicker cover right behind the stand to break up your outline?
Since starting all these projects on the farm we have decided to take all our current stands down and start over. Deer movement will change and we figured it would be a good time to start new and rethink all our stand locations.
I think it was just an excuse for us to start over really. Doing all this has made us start saying things like, "Why did we ever put that stand there?"I'll be curious to see your results with the movement.
In my experience, tree cutting (thinning and clearing) does not effect deer patterns at all unless there is an obstacle that is put in place.