Let me start out by saying that I’m fairly new to this and only planted my first plots 3 years ago. Last year I planted a mix of wheat and oats at 110#/acre plus 12# crimson clover and 4# arrowleaf. The plots did really well, although I never really saw any clover until the spring. This year I’m adding a little more diversity and planting something closer to Baker’s mix: 2# chicory, 3# daikon radishes, 1# rape, a little more crimson and arrowleaf clover plus wheat and oats. What has me stumped is how much grain I should plant. I’m 4-5 weeks away from planting, and the more I read the more confused I become about how much grain I should plant - recommendations seem to be all over the place on this issue, ranging from 90# - 150# per acre in just this one thread.
There’s an article on wheat in the latest edition of the bi-monthly magazine from a certain organization many of us use to belong to that recommends broadcasting 120-150# per acre for a pure stand, but then discusses a mix and states “be sure to reduce the planting rate of wheat to approximately 40 to 50 lbs./acre (broadcast) with this strategy to give the clover and chicory plenty of growing space as they develop” and an earlier article on oats said exactly the same thing. At another point in the wheat article they suggest a mix of 60# wheat, 15# crimson clover and 6# arrowleaf clover – which is very similar to a mix recommended by Mississippi Wildlife and Fisheries of 50-60# of wheat and oats, 10-12# crimson clover and 4-5# arrowleaf clover.
All of these planting rate recommendations are all well below the levels everyone here seems to be using. Is there a downside to overplanting? Has anyone experienced problems with their wheat/oats/rye crowding out other slower developing plants?