Well-Known Member
I planted my last plot for the season yesterday with the help of my best friend. It’s also the biggest plot I have. This is on my son’s lease that he asked me to join this year, and even though I hardly needed another spot to hunt, I could very well in the future. The other lease I’m on is due to be clear cut in the next year or two and I will need another spot then. I’m too old to wait it out for a year or two, and the owners may not let us keep our food plots. No food plots, no worky for me ! This was an old oilfield drill site, so in was approximately a 300’ X 300’ area. It had three multiflora rose “thickets” on it which I pushed off into the edges with my tractor. I was really careful in that, because I didn’t know if there might be a well head or a meter run hidden in it. That stuff was 6’ to 8’ tall ! Luckily, everything had been removed and I didn’t have to work around that crap. There are a few trees in it, but I trimmed the limbs far enough that my tractor cab cleared them and just worked around them. I planted mostly straight Elbon rye, but part of it has crimson clover broadcast on top as I already had the seed. I did take a soil test, but I haven’t sent it off, will do that tomorrow. I put down 300 lb. of pellitized lime and the same amount of triple 13 as a “Hail Mary” and the soil test will determine where I go from here. In East Texas that’s usually lots of lime, but I’ll put that out in bulk with a buggy. Now, I need a rain !