I have a lot of relatives, neighbors and church friends who love fruit. What we don’t use ourselves I give to them free of charge. It’s just something that I enjoy doing.Do you frequent a farmers market Native? What do you do with all that fruit?
I will eat many of them and give several to friends and family who also like to eat them. Two gallons will go quickly. Most of my nuts will be eaten by the deer. I have about 25+ chestnut trees dropping now, and I don't plan on picking up many more at the farm, so the deer will eat well. I do have one tree at home that I will gather nuts from. It is a seedling tree but makes extremely nice and sweet nuts that I like to eat. That one hasn't dropped a single nut yet but is loaded pretty good.Whatchs doing with those nuts Native ?
The thing I like most about Chinkapins is that they will grow and produce well with less sunlight than chestnuts require. If you have places with 1/2 a day of sunlight, they are a great choice. The nuts also have an excellent taste, and I have never seen a weevil in a chinkapin nut.When I was a kid, we had a few chinqapin trees scattered around, and we would walk a mile or two to gather them up. We loved those things ! I haven’t seen one in years now, but it seems like they preferred really sandy soil. At that time, we had neither deer, nor hogs in the area I lived in, so they were there when we wanted them. Now, you would have to stand guard and fight the hogs off !