Mossy Oak Biologic Green Patch Plus


Active Member
I was at Tractor Supply yesterday and they had three 40lb bags on clearance for $9 a bag. The list price was $42.99 a bag.

I purchased to plant this fall. Has anyone planted this and if so what did you think of it?
Yes. I liked it when we tried it years ago. I got some the spring before on clearance like you're talking about and planted it in a small, out-of-the-way new food plot that year. In the following spring I drove up on the plot in March and there were sheds everywhere. Picked up seven including two matched sets. I might ought to plant it again. Deer obviously liked it.
One of the few BOB products I was really happy with. Deer really hammered the plot for most of the season and well into the winter.
Good find :)
We planted some years ago. Same deal, we bought it on clearance. It was a great plot and the deer loved it.
Great price for a good mix.

Mossy Oak® BioLogic Green Patch Plus
Pure Seed Brand/Kind Germ Hard Seed Origin
69.27% DK Grazer Wheat 80% 0.0% AR
19.70% Bob Oats 80% 0.0% AR
3.00% Civasto Brassica 80% 0.0% WA
1.00% Mairaki Brassica 80% 0.0% NZ
0.66% Balansa Clover 80% 5.0% AU
(34% Coated)
2.63% Mammoth Clover 80% 5.0% CAN
(34% Coated)
0.20% Other Crop Seed
2.44% Inert Matter (includes coating material)
0.10% Weed Seed
Noxious weed seed: None
Planting depth (in.): .25
Seed rate: 10 lb. per 1/4 acre
Seed requires 30 days of growth before first frost.
Seeding times: Fall planting
Lucky you. My local tractor supply only had mixes that were mostly ryegrass, so i passed on them. I tried one of them last year and regretted it later.