I tell the wife we are going to raise a hog or a beef and she will shoot me.....one less mouth to feed....may stretch that limited venison a bit further!!!I did a cost analysis of venison a few years back, I don't remember if it was expensive as kwood's $1275/lb but it wasn't cheap. After another unsuccessful elk season this year I priced a 1/4 beef here locally, approximately 100lb, at just under $800 with the 10% quantity discount. As it turned out I ended up with 2 mule deer, a fallow deer, and 2 elk front shoulders so me and Hank have about 1/2lb+ a day of healthy protein to eat. If I was back on a farm in a one buck State with limited doe permits I would probably rotate a piggy patch through the lambsquarters.
That got a little dark! I figured she would shoot me and toss me in the ditch.....or be fertilizing the corn. I guess me "feeding the family" can have a whole different twist to it!!!!I'm guessing you might go 200lb hanging carcass?
My switch went in a few years ago.....I would have to dig to give you a specific answer. Planting year I got a few inches. First full year I got 3 feet or so......since then I get 5 feet on average (seed heads will reach 6 feet). I have had it in the ground at least 3 years now.Good updates, J-bird. How old is your stand of switch? The stuff I planted last year averages from 1-3’ tall, with some spots over 4’. I cant wait to see what it does this year on established root systems. I’m also discouraged about the direction that Indiana’s deer herd is heading. I’ve talked to a lot of hunters since the end of season, and here in the Northeast corner of the state, nobody had a good thing to sat about the seeming unlimited doe kill goals of the IDNR masters.
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Pulled the cam card today.....my little 1/8 acre soybean plot overseeded with winter wheat....seems to be drawing in the neighborhood deer.
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Even has caught the attention of some bucks as well.....I think these are 6 different bucks.
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They hammered that little plot, but that is what it is there for. It's funny as they do not seem to be as willing to venture another 4/10 of a mile to reach my larger plot of the same!