J-birds place

more hunting with not much to report.

Nov 19th morning hunt. It was cold and fairly windy. Took my daughter to the north shooting house. Did have a bit of excitement. It happened fast. We where screwing around and sure enough I see a nice buck coming right at us. He is at a fast paced walk, but isn't sticking around. I tell Emma to get ready and she is a bundle of nerves. No time for a video or a pic.....I'm trying my best to give her a shot. I told her I would stop the deer and if he turned (he was only presenting a quartering towards shot) to shoot. I mouth bleated at him and he stopped at 30 yards and turned away to give us the shot we needed. I looked back at Emma and she was struggling to find him still in the scope. He quickly turned and trotted off. The window was VERY brief. I am glad she chose the high road as many folks would have forced the issue. She was down about it....but she was pumped over the entire experience. That was the only deer we saw that morning.
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Emma went shopping with her sisters so Tom and I tried our luck looking over the standing corn in the south bottom field. We took a position witha view on the slope and simply sat on the ground.....didn't see a deer, but that is hunting.
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I was able to hunt on my own this evening (nov 20th). I went to a stand we had not hunted from thus far.....one we call 2-man. It's a 2 person stand that overlooks my south bottom plot area. Didn't see a deer..... No point in a selfie....you have seen this ugly mug enough!
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Running total of deer seen vs hours on stand.....33 hours on stand roughly with 13 deer seen.

Have a hunt scheduled in the am with a buddy of mine. He is a deer hunter and had hunted a property for 10 years and then out of the blue he was told he couldn't hunt there any more. He thinks the family hunters on that far fear him shooting a buck they have seen. I told him something was funny because if the real issue was him they would have said something last year or before the season started....instead they waited until the middle of the hunting season.......that just isn't right. So to get him back in the saddle so to speak he is coming out in the am. I have outlined the rules and am not sure how much he will be out, but I wasn't going to have him miss out on deer season because some other folks are too concerned about a deer to put a deer before a friendship like that. Funny how folks can show their true colors under some funny circumstances.....
What kind of piece of crap does something like that?
Our gun opener was a bust. Luke had a doe and two fawns come in behind him this morning but couldnt get a shot at them.
Some folks I just don;t understand myself. I have had some other things like spotlighters (which is legal) and I think a neighbor was using a rifle before the opener as well.....I reported it all and we will see what happens. I more than likely will never know, but I am doing my part. We have had opportunities to take some deer but we are trying to be picky this year. I am only allowing each hunter to take a single deer to protect numbers this year. The weather on the opener was terrible.....that following Sunday was COLD! I have not heard what I would consider a lot of shooting thus far so I think the numbers are again down.....good luck to you and your boy!
Some folks I just don;t understand myself. I have had some other things like spotlighters (which is legal) and I think a neighbor was using a rifle before the opener as well.....I reported it all and we will see what happens. I more than likely will never know, but I am doing my part. We have had opportunities to take some deer but we are trying to be picky this year. I am only allowing each hunter to take a single deer to protect numbers this year. The weather on the opener was terrible.....that following Sunday was COLD! I have not heard what I would consider a lot of shooting thus far so I think the numbers are again down.....good luck to you and your boy!

Slow here as well. I’m yet to see a buck.

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Well I took my buddy out this morning and we saw the same buck my daughter had a shot at. He had a limp this time thought. My buddy shot, but the deer was too far. It was a clean miss and it really didn't seem to bother the deer. I did see the deer better and it's a nice little 8 pointer.....110 ~120 ballpark. 3 more hours on stand and only that deer sighted. Hopefully back at it in the morning. Still have seen anything to really get excited about for myself.
Well we went out today so here is the report.

This morning was cold - we had a high in only the mid 30's and the wind was real light as well. Emma wanted to go back to the north shooting house in an effort to see the buck she had to pass on the other day.

Somebody got a little cold, but over all held it together until about 10am. Our little buddy heaters come in handy.
emma got cold.jpg
We didn't see the buck she wanted but we did see deer. I set up the decoy in an effort to distract the target buck IF he showed up. Keep in mind this is private property - and I did add the orange ribbon to help keep folks from shooting at it. It just an old 3D archery target with a thin plastic bag as a tail to add some movement.
doe decoy.jpg

I also learned a neat trick (I'm sure many of you are aware of this). I was able to use my bino's and my cell phone camera together to get a great "zoom" function going. It's awkward and I'm not real good at it yet, but it should help me get better pics.

We had what I now think to be a button buck show up.....it was by itself and went into the woods and chased some other does. The actual pic of the deer and the decoy I used my bino trick......not sure why one has the ring and the other doesn't.
nov22am doe.jpg

This deer was watching 6 other does coming across the neighbors standing bean field. They had run a test path to see if the beans where ready and the does followed it like a path. They entered the woods at the corner and then where chased back to where they came from by the presumed button buck.
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So we added 7 deer in 3 hours to our count and my buddy hunted from the south shooting house for 5 hours (7 until noon) and saw 5 does as well (all across the creek).

I hunted the evening solo and didn't see a dang thing. added another 3 hour hunt, but no deer. This is right off of an area we call "doe point".....it was more of an observation location. I also learned that the standing corn is coming out saturday.....so I need to find a way to use it to my advantage while it lasts.
Ok - more hunting.....still no deer down!
Yesterday morning Emma and I hunted the north shooting house again. We saw 3 deer way off down by the road but that was all. We did have the "hunter on stand buffet" going however!
Tom hunted "doe point" area that morning as well....saw 2 doe. No afternoon hunts as we have family Thanksgiving....the deer get a break!
This morning Tom hunted near "doe point" and saw 3 does and a distant buck. Emma, Roger and I all didn't hunt.....Turkey comma I guess!

This evening I hunted the "north basin". I didn't see anything. This was my first hunt from this stand and I had high hopes, but nothing.....nothing at all.
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The one neighbor with the standing beans was out running the combine and the neighbor kid to the north decided to run his dirt bike! Their property so they can do what they want, but man it's hard for deer hunting!
The one neighbor with the standing beans was out running the combine and the neighbor kid to the north decided to run his dirt bike! Their property so they can do what they want, but man it's hard for deer hunting![/QUOTE]
I feel your pain- I’ve got a neighbor who’s 20-something son has a dirt track adjacent to my field. Go-carts were ok, but when the midget sprint cars show up, it’s downright deafening!

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The one neighbor with the standing beans was out running the combine and the neighbor kid to the north decided to run his dirt bike! Their property so they can do what they want, but man it's hard for deer hunting!
I feel your pain- I’ve got a neighbor who’s 20-something son has a dirt track adjacent to my field. Go-carts were ok, but when the midget sprint cars show up, it’s downright deafening!

Are we all huntimg next to same neighbor?
Today's hunting update - November 25th

am hunt.....Emma didn't go so I went up north to my ladder stand.....didn't see a deer, but it was a pretty morning.
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Roger went to the southwest and didn't see a deer and Tom went to 2 man and saw a button buck and 2 does.

The south bottom filed was being harvested today. We had plans to use the combine as a "driver" but they got started before we where ready. Once they got started we tried to cover every escape route, but we only saw 2 deer as we where headed to our post and the deer had no plans on sticking around and asking questions. I guess you could say we saw one BIG DEERE.....I think it's a 9600.....chewed thru 10 to 15 acres of corn in less than 2 hours!!!!
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This evenings hunt went better, but still no deer down.

Tom went to the north shooting house and saw 6. 2 close and 4 does further away. Roger hunted in the southwest woodlot and didn't see anything. Emma and I went to 2-man. We saw a button buck that Emma chose to pass on and 2 does came in too late for Emma to feel comfortable to shoot. Pics are of the button buck.....it was too dark for pics of the does.
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Lots of corn fell in my neighborhood yesterday-since thanksgiving about 250 acres in my section alone. Here’s hoping the sightings increase!

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Got out again today....no deer but had some interesting things happen.

This morning I did my part to save a few fawns. I had a pair of yotes come in and I smashed the first one! I got a shot at the second, but a 30/30 isn't really a distance gun. It shut my deer hunt down early, but it was worth it.

This evening I was in a stand near a creek and heard some splashing.....I turned around and there was a mink just doing his thing as well as a muskrat. The mink was rather entertaining for a good 1/2 hour or so. Mink isn't really game you hunt with a 30/30! Last time we had a mink my son skinned it in the house and hit the scent gland after I warned him SEVERAL TIMES. His mother WAS NOT HAPPY!
Looks like you are staying after them! I enjoyed the pictures of the stand placements and the explanations of why you setup each one like you did. Also the views from them. Hate to see the deer shot from the road. I will never understand people who do stuff like that. Good luck!
It's November in Indiana and that means deer season.
You only see me when it's dark out and that is the reason.
Normally at work spread sheets, charts, and justification.
Screw that for now I have two weeks vacation!
So I'm out here on stand and all bundled up.
Hunting for the dig one, A once in a lifetime buck.
I see does and young deer but nothing to trip my trigger.
I'm holding out hope for something much bigger.
I look out over my habitat work and my plots.
Hunting with past loved ones and next years plan in my thoughts.
The weather may not cooperate but have no fear.
I'm not at work, 'cause I'm hunting deer!
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It's November in Indiana and that means deer season.
You only see me when it's dark out and that is the reason.
Normally at work spread sheets, charts, and justification.
Screw that for now I have two weeks vacation!
So I'm out here on stand and all bundled up.
Hunting for the dig one, A once in a lifetime buck.
I see does and young deer but nothing to trip my trigger.
I'm holding out hope for something much bigger.
I look out over my habitat work and my plots.
Hunting with past loved ones and next years plan in my thoughts.
The weather may not cooperate but have no fear.
I'm not at work, 'cause I'm hunting deer!

A poet! Keep at it J, the once in a lifetime'r will show eventually. I'm in the same boat; tagging along with kids and secretly hoping I can still find time to kill a big one.
Well I hunted this morning and NOTHING! I thought for sure the deer would move before the rain came......apparently the deer and I read different books!
I took off for the woods this evening and got settled in and I get a text.....from my youngest. "where you at?" She wanted to hunt.....this was right at 4 and it's dark by 6. I told her to get her stuff and to come to the stand. I was in 2-man and she knows where that is at, but took the long way to get there...."so she didn't get lost". She shows up like a little lost puppy so I get her situated. She was happy as a clam as they say and we chatted about the day and she was telling me how she had such a great day and the like. I figured her walking to the stand that late had essentially ruined the hunt....but, we make sacrifices for our kids....so I didn't say anything.

Totally unexpected 2 does come into the soybean food plot. Emma doesn't see them as there is a large tree branch in the way. I tell her one of them is a mature doe and if she wants it, it's hers for the taking. Keep in mind this would be her first deer......EVER!

Emma is nervous and decides she is going to shoot if the opportunity presents itself. The doe walks along the far edge of the food plot and simply won't stop. Emma is tracking the doe in the scope of the gun and I crank up the magnification. As the doe entered the corner of the clover plot I got tired of waiting. I whistled! BOOM! The doe mule kicks and bounds into the CRP weeds.....I here some limbs breaking and a crash. The fawn bounds away in another direction. It's 5:20....and Emma appears to have just shot her first deer! I tell her we have to wait. She negotiates waiting until 5:30 to get down. I tell her we will only look for blood. I take the lead with the gun in case the deer bolts.....even though I think it's done. I find deer hair and Emma finds blood. Time for another teaching moment....how to follow blood and not just where we think the deer went. At this point I don't hear or smell (thinking gut shot) the deer and the blood looks like lung hit. There is enough light that Emma finds blood on the grass and weeds so I let her take the lead. She does pretty good and I show her how to follow a deer's path to help find the next spot. We come to the edge of the woods and still no deer. The blood showed up well on the switchgrass which really helped. I again take the lead with the gun and Emma sees a big smear on a tree.....and just beyond that about 10 yards I see a white rear-end! I approached the deer to ensure it was done. I signaled to Emma that the deer was done and again teach her how we approach a downed deer and why. It's photo op time!!!!

Emma is on top of the world right now. The shot was about 75 yards and the 30/30 did the trick and took out both lungs. Location was a bit high and missed the heart and the deer only went less than 100 yards. live weight was 150 lbs.

Another memory that I will never forget.
emma doe.jpg
Well they claim there is not rest for the wicked....so I was up and after it again this morning. I knew last night the over night temps would be cold......wake up to freezing temps this morning....it was cold, but it was pretty! This was the view from my enclosed shooting house....
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I was looking forward to sun rise to help the temps climb!
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As the sun came out I spotted this "steam/fog" rising from the CRP.....I was thinking it may be deer bedded down or a heavy breathing buck......I finally got up and had to go look for myself.....nothing was there other than a deer trail! I am still sort of stumped, but I assume it was simply my angle and the angle of the sun and the melting frost off the branches.....I was so wound up hoping to sneak up on a bedded deer!
dec1am hunt steam.jpg

While I was out investigating the "steam".....I walked by my trail cam......and just had to take a pic!
frosty cam.jpg

So to sum it all up.....no deer.

This evening I hunted my north basin stand.....and again no deer sighted. I haven't re-figured my numbers of deer per hour......but it isn't looking good thus far....... we close out of general firearms season on sunday....so we will be after it pretty good this weekend.....we will see what happens!
Well I hunted this morning and NOTHING! I thought for sure the deer would move before the rain came......apparently the deer and I read different books!
I took off for the woods this evening and got settled in and I get a text.....from my youngest. "where you at?" She wanted to hunt.....this was right at 4 and it's dark by 6. I told her to get her stuff and to come to the stand. I was in 2-man and she knows where that is at, but took the long way to get there...."so she didn't get lost". She shows up like a little lost puppy so I get her situated. She was happy as a clam as they say and we chatted about the day and she was telling me how she had such a great day and the like. I figured her walking to the stand that late had essentially ruined the hunt....but, we make sacrifices for our kids....so I didn't say anything.

Totally unexpected 2 does come into the soybean food plot. Emma doesn't see them as there is a large tree branch in the way. I tell her one of them is a mature doe and if she wants it, it's hers for the taking. Keep in mind this would be her first deer......EVER!

Emma is nervous and decides she is going to shoot if the opportunity presents itself. The doe walks along the far edge of the food plot and simply won't stop. Emma is tracking the doe in the scope of the gun and I crank up the magnification. As the doe entered the corner of the clover plot I got tired of waiting. I whistled! BOOM! The doe mule kicks and bounds into the CRP weeds.....I here some limbs breaking and a crash. The fawn bounds away in another direction. It's 5:20....and Emma appears to have just shot her first deer! I tell her we have to wait. She negotiates waiting until 5:30 to get down. I tell her we will only look for blood. I take the lead with the gun in case the deer bolts.....even though I think it's done. I find deer hair and Emma finds blood. Time for another teaching moment....how to follow blood and not just where we think the deer went. At this point I don't hear or smell (thinking gut shot) the deer and the blood looks like lung hit. There is enough light that Emma finds blood on the grass and weeds so I let her take the lead. She does pretty good and I show her how to follow a deer's path to help find the next spot. We come to the edge of the woods and still no deer. The blood showed up well on the switchgrass which really helped. I again take the lead with the gun and Emma sees a big smear on a tree.....and just beyond that about 10 yards I see a white rear-end! I approached the deer to ensure it was done. I signaled to Emma that the deer was done and again teach her how we approach a downed deer and why. It's photo op time!!!!

Emma is on top of the world right now. The shot was about 75 yards and the 30/30 did the trick and took out both lungs. Location was a bit high and missed the heart and the deer only went less than 100 yards. live weight was 150 lbs.

Another memory that I will never forget.
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Way to go Emma!!! Congrats!