House and Habitat build thread:

I did a quick google search and found that OK is required to have a minimum of 180 days (one source said 175) or 1080 hours of teacher contact a yr. So no matter how it's arranged during the week it still has to add up to at least the minimum. That doesn't mean that a district isn't above the minimum and going say 190 days a yr. or more. It is common for a district to go a few days over minimum, but due to state financing structure it is rare for a district to do more than a few days (states fund per student not per day so going over entails more cost for busing, food, utilities, etc. that the state isn't supporting).

Interestingly, I found that the average school yr in the early 1910's was 113 days, in the 1970's it had climbed to 161 days, and now it's 180 days. That source also said that even though we are throwing more days into the yr that graduate knowledge isn't increasing much. So basically the smarts that you and I got in the 70's-80's on a 161 day yr is equal to what our kids are now getting with a 180 day yr.

Daycare is EXPENSIVE. I suspect we have a lot of siblings watching younger one's like you said. Making the news is almost always a bad thing! I really don't know a solution for that situation. I know a local (we didn't have a daycare for more than 20 miles from our school) took advantage of the situation and started a local daycare about the time we went to 4 days and is making great money being open one day a week. She is cheap and doesn't charge much, but has good volume.
Interesting on the days you found. I went to fort gibson and we always started school by August 15th, had no fall break and then got out for 2 days for thanksgiving. Then off again for 2 weeks for Christmas then back to school January 2nd with no breaks until May 21st or so and then we had summer break. I can remember having about 5 days off the entire time I went to school for snow and the bus driver would pick us up in more than a foot of snow most times.

I guess our school figured we needed more class time. I have no complaints, kept lots of kids out of far as the smarts go we all got jobs at 14 and 15 and sports were not the driving force of the school so we had a lot of actual teaching time. Our district was funded by OG&E electric company and they wanted us in school a lot. I am pretty proud of the fact I came out of school with a great education and common sense and didn't have to use a cell phone to answer questions for me...heck we were not even allowed to use a calculator until my college years...
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Sounds like you went to a great district! I'm guessing that it was a private school since OG&E funded it and they dictated the school yr. I study public school and their effectiveness a lot. Private schools are hard to follow because they have no set standards to meet. Each private district is different in how they accept students, their class sizes, and outcomes or goals. They are all over the place and comparing stats is difficult. I do know some of the private schools that I've visited had very disciplined, polite, and well studied students.
Sounds like you went to a great district! I'm guessing that it was a private school since OG&E funded it and they dictated the school yr. I study public school and their effectiveness a lot. Private schools are hard to follow because they have no set standards to meet. Each private district is different in how they accept students, their class sizes, and outcomes or goals. They are all over the place and comparing stats is difficult. I do know some of the private schools that I've visited had very disciplined, polite, and well studied students.
No, it was a public school but somehow since OG&E was on our side of the river we got the taxes from it or something like that...I always know we got to do a lot more things because we had OG&E money... We were always expanding, buying new buses, even have an Olympic indoor pool...might have been the reason we were in school so much...
Thanks Triple. You aren't the only one who can't wait to see how it turns out! I'm getting kind of antsy to get it finished.
catscratch...Love the wood working updates. Can't wait to see the finished project.

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Was out of town most of the weekend (down south in OKC) but did get home Sunday morning in time to get a couple things done.
New corner post and gate:



And since I had the post hole digger out I gridded and made holes for this spring's fruit tree planting. Need to make cages still.


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Sahweeeet!!! Luv an auger at my age. And, can't imagine waking up to that lake view every day. Such a beautiful setting.
Lol, the auger kicks BUTT! It's much easier to get off the couch to dig holes when you have access to one of those.
The setting is perfect. No other way to describe it.
I was telling the better half this past weekend that I have to get a 3pt post hole digger. I can only imagine how much more work I could get done. Hell the motivation to do some of the work would
The oak in the basement is taking stain well!


I was fortunate to see my two favorite views in the last 12 hours;
Long shadows on the hills at sunset...

And a layered fog at sunrise;

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Got a ton of sanding and staining done on the basement oak:

And to top it off I spent a little time at a couple of my favorite spots on the place. I was after crappie and caught everything but a crappie. Hitting shallow and short.



I thought it was awesome to be shirtless in February until I found this little bastard on me:

Also found time to get 10 miles of running in the last two days. Life is great!
It's been a great day!
Worked some fruit trees:




Made cages for new trees coming this spring, and worked some tubed trees:


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I got a phone call last night; a friend of a friend of a friend had said something about some of the habitat stuff I was into and he was wanting to give me Elderberry starts. Found his place this morning and took some cuttings. Some were from his favorite native plants and some were an improved variety but he couldn't remember the name. He gave me a tour of his place and it was pretty darn neat. Lots of berry's of every kind, 400 asparagus, and lots of pecans! He has traveled KS looking for the best old trees he can find nuts from and started trees, he's ordered trees, and he is grafting trees. He's an older guy and I have no idea how he keeps up with his place but it was pretty cool to meet someone doing so much.



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Another great weekend on the place!
Went for a run on the place Thursday night and bumped up some chickens. Use to be a bunch around here but I don't see them often any more.

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It's been unseasonably warm for a couple of weeks and the clover I seeded last fall is taking off.

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Crows caught my attention. They were gathering around something down below the house. Turned out to be a deer carcass. I didn't find the head or a couple of the legs so I don't really know anything about it, just a dead deer.

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Received this yrs fruit trees Friday; 1 crab, 3 apple, and a pear from Turkey Creek. They look great!



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Developed a way to bend limbs down with decoy weights. Was very easy to put them on and saves some storage space in the off season.




I'm afraid anyone who walks through my little orchard is going to think I'm bat shit crazy!

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