Well-Known Member
There is a lot of local talk about the wind farms messing up weather patterns locally. We’ve been in perpetual drought since a farm 35 miles away went into service in May of ‘21.You ever thought about calling the Kansas Water Authority to find out if the geo-engineers are doing any monkey business down there to move the rain around? You can call them and ask for a report of any weather modifcation activities going on in the state:
2021 Kansas Statutes :: Chapter 82a - Waters And Watercourses :: Article 14 - Weather Modification :: 82a-1417 Same; reports of activities; form and content.
Justia Free Databases of U.S. Laws, Codes & Statuteslaw.justia.com
West of you, there are a few projects where they're sucking moisture out of the sky before it hits Kansas.
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