Drought and Survival

It’s about time for our tap to be turned off. That’s about par for the course here. We had a chance of rain today and it didn’t happen. Chance again tomorrow but I’m betting against it. I’ll be running sprinklers in the yard by next week I’m sure.

Can’t worry about that now though, my wife fell this morning and broke her femur, so tomorrow she’ll get a full hip replacement. Ain’t gonna be much fun around our house for the next couple months. The worst thing is, she just got out of school for the summer and her summer vacation is shot. Well, I guess the worst thing is the pain, but she had several things planned before she went back to work and that just went up in smoke.
Wishing her (and you) the best through this.
Hoping the newly direct seeded oaks make it until we get back from vacation. I’m pretty certain we’ll lose them though. Tree watering will begin once again soon.
Crazy big rain missing us by literally less than 5 miles back home right now. Streets are flooding in Coffeyville. Nothing at our place.
I’m beginning more and more to think I’m the rain problem. We were supposed to get some good rain yesterday and today. Ended up with a hundredth yesterday and they took our chances away today. Seems like the rain only comes when we’re not around. :rolleyes:
I don’t know if any of you call central North Carolina home, but when we drove through a couple weeks ago, the place was a wasteland. I felt so sorry for the people there, we know that look all too well.
I don’t know if any of you call central North Carolina home, but when we drove through a couple weeks ago, the place was a wasteland. I felt so sorry for the people there, we know that look all too well.
What did you see?

And when you do get a bigger rain, does it soak in, or does it run?
What did you see?

And when you do get a bigger rain, does it soak in, or does it run?
North Carolina is showing the effects of some long term drought. Crops dried up to nothing and no green whatsoever. Even the trees looked sad.

Here the ground is still soaking up the bigger rains like a sponge. We’re supposed to be out of drought according to the maps, but we’re still feeling the effects of almost 3.5 years of drought. The last somewhat normal year was 2020.
North Carolina is nothing like y’all had. We had a wet cool spring but the tap turned off after Memorial Day. Doesn’t take long for mid 90s and full sun to dry us out. Went all of June without a drop. Thankfully, last week has been rainy. Bermuda grass likes it. I don’t. Left for the mountains of Virginia for the weekend where it’s 15 degrees cooler. Heaven.

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Beryl was kind to us in East Texas. At least nine tornado warnings 😬 and 5+” of rain. It wasn’t like we needed the rain, we were already 5” ahead for the year. We got it though, and it should stretch my plots into early August, which will be unusual for us. We are usually burned up by mid July.
Beryl somehow missed both our properties here in NE Oklahoma but got everything else around us…wild…drove through pouring rain driving from one property to the next but dry as a bone at the one I left and stopped raining just before I got to the other one…
Southern Ohio will likely have 2 dozen expensive sticks, inside of fencing my next trip down. Scorcher the last month and half and just a hair over 1" of rain. Trees for folks out of the area are a masochistic exercise.....
The last few days have been brutal for drying out the soil. Windy and hot. Today is more of the same. Going to have to begin watering trees in earnest soon. The rain chances next week are shrinking by the day.
The dome is back with a vengeance. It has rained N, S, E, and W of us in the last week, nothing on us. I guess we need to go on vacation again? If you’re experiencing flooding, or just tired of seeing it rain, just have me over to visit for a while. :rolleyes:
Unfortunately, I’ve gotten used to pics like this the last 3 years, they’re not surprising anymore…
Well, we are just below the "S" in United States on your map. Everything on your map just went right over my house. Gauge reads 0.01 and the roads are dust. Don't be too jealous of what you see on the radar. It isn't entirely accurate to say the least... 😂
Well, we are just below the "S" in United States on your map. Everything on your map just went right over my house. Gauge reads 0.01 and the roads are dust. Don't be too jealous of what you see on the radar. It isn't entirely accurate to say the least... 😂
I'm more jealous of the severe thunderstorm warnings in KC. I don't think Johnson County entered the drought stage at all the last 4 years.