As close to the dream property as I am going to get, at least for now

CTM1 12-22-2015 11:03 PM
Hey is global warming preventing you from hibernating?
lakngulf 12-23-2015 09:56 PM
Great job, CTM1, to get your nephew involved in the outdoors. He will cherish those experiences, and as he ages old uncle will not be as weird and uninformed as other adults.

Merry Christmas
flyfixer 12-25-2015 12:03 AM
Great job on taking the nephew hunting! He will never forget these times. Looks like he had a great time.
HB_Hunter 12-26-2015 10:20 PM
Just read the whole thread and really enjoyed it! Had many many laughs :). I'm lucky to have lots of part time farmers in the family that are more than willing to help by lending equipment and a hand. I broke some new ground my first year and used a disc harrow. It did a great job and the plots turned out great.

Looking forward to following along next year!
CTM1 02-05-2016 10:33 PM
The owners must have felt me staring at it over the last year because my email pinged a couple of months ago with an offer to take it off their hands. Well after some back and forth the "66" has grown into the "150" and I am pretty excited about it.

For anyone familiar with this thread I had major concerns about what would happen to the 85 acre parcel that the owners had for sale across the street from me. Of course my fear was that a gun club would buy it and systematically lay waste to everything in the valley, but after a year of worrying I can now finally put those fears to rest.

Outside of an large beaver pond that is very active, and brook that originates on it, it is just a wooded parcel. It had been logged 15 years ago so a few old logging roads are still present. Some light chain saw work will make them useable again. Hey more work is just what I need:eek:

Here was a picture of the property looking across the valley from last fall.

I went over to the "66" the other day to walk the plots and trails given we are completely devoid of snow. Of course my dreams the night before were of plots littered with sheds as far as the eye could see, but the reality was there was not a one to be found, not a one. So I checked the trail cams I had left out and I got this guy, and on more then one occasion.

Looking forward to getting out later this month to do some yote hunting. Of course spring cannot get here soon enough, but then again at my age perhaps I should not be in such a rush for time to fly.
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Osceola 02-05-2016 11:16 PM
That's fabulous! You'll never run out of things to do (and break) with 150 acres! What a blessing! Congratulations!
broom_jm 02-06-2016 07:26 AM
That's great news, CTM. :)

More than doubling your acreage, while having it divided by a road for ease of access, creates a lot more opportunities. Depending on how things lay out, could you use large portions of the 85 for sanctuary and hunt the intervening travel routes of deer moving to feed in the food plots you established last year?

Do you have an updated diagram of your expanded property? I really envy those with larger pieces of contiguous ground.
dogghr 02-06-2016 10:46 AM
Congrats on the new purchase. That is awesome to protect the place and add to your grounds.
Chainsaw 02-06-2016 10:49 AM
Congratulations on your new property purchase. It will give you more room for the all important daytime sanctuaries needed to get some age on bucks. Your fall picture of the hills in fall color surrounding the field is simply beautiful.
Elkaddict 02-06-2016 12:44 PM
That's great news--congrats CTM. Think of all the new potential projects:) Although I don't need the property, I too am trying to pick up a couple small adjoining properties to alleviate trespassing access. I can't wait to see a diagram/map of your combined properties.
CTM1 02-06-2016 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by broom_jm (Post 821308)
That's great news, CTM. :)

More than doubling your acreage, while having it divided by a road for ease of access, creates a lot more opportunities. Depending on how things lay out, could you use large portions of the 85 for sanctuary and hunt the intervening travel routes of deer moving to feed in the food plots you established last year?

Do you have an updated diagram of your expanded property? I really envy those with larger pieces of contiguous ground.

CTM1 02-06-2016 12:51 PM
Having it serve as a sanctuary was my first thought a well, and based on this past hunting season I believe the overwhelming majority of the deer that were coming into my plots were in fact bedding on that side of the road. There are two trails beaten into the earth on that side that run parallel with the mountain. During one of my walks I saw that the neighbor to the right has a ladder stand right on the corner of the property over looking the upper trail. Given there are two old wooden stands that have long since collapsed, it tells me it is a productive trail.

Below is the layout according to the most recent survey. The back of the "66" is really funky, more so then I ever thought so I was curious as to why. Funky property lines is one of my pet peeves, they just leave me scratching my head as to why someone did what they did when subdividing. So after a little research I found out about 130 years ago the land owner in the rear was also a diary farm, and when he divided the property he wanted to keep control of the spot where a spring comes up out of the mountain. If the oppurtunity ever comes up to square up the back line I will jump on it.

On the new parcel I tried to get the owners to agree to move the property line on the left side so it ran straight up the mountian. It would have given me 20 more acres, but more importantly complete control of an old mountain road that runs to the top of the mountain. Despite offering more money and to absord all additional survey expenses, as well as giving them a personal use easement that would not convey if they sold the land they declined. The odd thing is that the way they divided it I have now have control of the lower third of the road so they now have no access to the upper two thirds of the road. They would have to create a new road running parallel to it until they can cut back into it further up the mountain. The crazy thing is they knew this when we made the deal, it left the RE Agent scratching her head as well. Now I have become friendly with the owners son who is an older man so I told him I have no plans to preclude them from coming through me to acces the upper part of the road. The hope is that he reciprocates.
Expanded view of area
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CTM1 02-06-2016 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Osceola (Post 821294)
That's fabulous! You'll never run out of things to do (and break) with 150 acres! What a blessing! Congratulations!

As long as it is not my neck or my back anything can be fixed :p
CTM1 02-06-2016 01:28 PM
Thanks guys, and the most enjoybale part is paying more property taxes :eek:
Elkaddict 02-06-2016 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by johnl48 (Post 821358)
You're going to need a bigger kubota :-)

Or a second tractor and implements to maintain/repair:)
CTM1 02-06-2016 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by johnl48 (Post 821358)
You're going to need a bigger kubota :)

Originally Posted by Elkaddict (Post 821363)
Or a second tractor and implements to maintain/repair:)

CTM1 02-06-2016 06:14 PM
We have all seen Johnl48's skills as a welder and all around automotive guru, so this got me thinking. With his skills we could take apart both my evil orange Kubota as well as his Kubota and combine them. We have the technology. We can make it better than it was. Better, stronger, faster.
johnl48 02-06-2016 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by CTM1 (Post 821374)
We have all seen Johnl48's skills as a welder and all around automotive guru, so this got me thinking. With his skills we could take apart both my evil orange Kubota as well as his Kubota and combine them. We have the technology. We can make it better than it was. Better, stronger, faster.

I'm in :) :) :)
CTM1 02-08-2016 12:37 PM
Managed to get out in the reservoir valley near the house and do some predator hunting. It was slim pickings, but it did give up this female.
One less female dropping a litter of pups come spring that will go on to munch on everything else.
CTM1 03-17-2016 05:22 PM
I was hoping to kick off the 2016 planting season this weekend by sowing some red clover in a couple of plots.

I placed an order with Hancock for a variety of seeds including 50lbs of Red clover. They emailed me saying the order was shipped so I headed upstate with the intent of sowing the seed this wekend.

Well the UPS driver unloads only two boxes. I open one and the invoice says that the red clover is back ordered another 7-10 days. Hancock did not say this when they emailed me that the ordered had shipped. Had they conveyed this I would have tried to find it at another location.

Hancock Seed :mad:
johnl48 03-17-2016 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by CTM1 (Post 828643)
I was hoping to kick off the 2016 planting season this weekend by sowing some red clover in a couple of plots.

I placed an order with Hancock for a variety of seeds including 50lbs of Red clover. They emailed me saying the order was shipped so I headed upstate
with the intent of sowing the seed this wekend.

Well the UPS driver unloads only two boxes. I open one and the invoice says that the red clover is back ordered another 7-10 days. Hancock did not say this when they emailed me that the ordered had shipped. Had they conveyed this I would have tried to find it at another location.

Hancock Seed :mad:

johnl48 03-17-2016 05:24 PM
At least you're upstate :)