My initial jujubes were planted in the Spring of the driest summer in my lifetime. 4 went into the ground, 2 survived with pretty much zero care or water for months, while every other fruit tree on my place either died or got watered in desperation. All four were from England's Nursery, but I never put aluminum tags on them, as I do my trees now. I think one is Sweety Meaty, or something of that nature. The larger of the survivors flowered the following year, but did not have a pollinator. It took until last season (5th leaf, I think) before it produced a few fruit, and that was because the other survivor finally had some flowers. I have since grafted several onto rootstock, but lost most of the grafts to poor growing conditions and hot, dry weather. The rootstock has survived. Some of my rootstock flowered the year after planting, though. Jujubes planted in good conditions and cared for, should produce fruit in the 2nd or 3rd leaf. They are slow vertical growers, though and take a while to get decent height on them. Still, I find them to be an attractive choice for drier climates, like mine seems to have become.