Take a walk with me through the prairie......

Edit - I first said Roughleaf Dogwood but should have said Stiff Dogwood. Corrected on 7-31-24.

Some dogwood's can be difficult to differentiate. I have identified this one as Stiff Dogwood. It look like the others that have blue berries except that the underside of the leaves are smooth and green. This variety thrives in moist soil and is browsed well by deer. I would rate the browse preference higher than elderberry but less than arrowwood viburnum. These were sold to me as Red Osier Dogwood but I soon saw they were something different.

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I found a new one today. This is a plant I’ve never noticed before called Sida Spinosa (aka teaweed). It is supposed to be a good browse plant, but I found it right by my gate at the end of the highway, so not in a good place to be browsed.

This plant is related to the one sold on the Internet for deer habitat called Sida Ulmifolia, which I understand has a more southern range.

Last year I posted a picture of a Strawberry Bush that had been browsed almost to the ground. The picture below is one of several that I dug up at the edge of my yard, transplanted to my farm and Caged. As you can see, it is now fruiting.

These bushes are the ultimate deer browse - being even more desirable than apple tree limbs.


Next year I will experiment with removing the cages. I do occasionally find one at the farm, and they are always browsed pretty hard.
Last year I posted a picture of a Strawberry Bush that had been browsed almost to the ground. The picture below is one of several that I dug up at the edge of my yard, transplanted to my farm and Caged. As you can see, it is now fruiting.

These bushes are the ultimate deer browse - being even more desirable than apple tree limbs.

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Next year I will experiment with removing the cages. I do occasionally find one at the farm, and they are always browsed pretty hard.

Now I know.

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