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Just shift "what" you are hunting...
A couple hour drive and 2 hour sight in session and I am back on stand and back in business. My TC Omega needs a new stock so now using a TC Encore...
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I carried it all week but never got to fire it at anything because I saw nothing that I wanted to shoot as a "season ender" but you are correct about liking carries well, points well, cleans easy enough, good accuracy, and I like how easy it is to get the 209 primer on and off...It has the added bonus of being able to buy extra barrels to make it all purpose...great little gun!I think you will like the encore!
Our 9 day Muzzleloader season came to an end yesterday with the absolute warmest temperatures I can ever remember for the end of October. The opening day had more normal temps and we saw some bucks trying to chase on our deer leaser but the does were having none of it. Due to the incessant south wind I hunted our deer lease most of the week and only did 4 sits on our property at home. 3 of my 4 sits on the home property were screwed up by dogs running deer and all were in the evening about 6:00 PM. My one morning hunt I had to be so cautious of the south wind I put myself in a stand that has very little deer activity just to keep from blowing the deer out of the property but I guess I didn't have to worry about that after the pack of 3 muts that seem to travel to every food source on our property to try to hit the trail of a deer and run them out of the county
Yesterday evening was the worse because I was watching the wind direction forecast and we finally got a N/NW wind come in with a mini cold front. It hit our area about 3:00 PM and I headed to a stand I have been dying to hunt since October 1st but we have never had a N wind on a day I was off to hunt it. I got to the area and the place was just torn up with scrapes and rubs. I killed the first buck I ever shot on our place from this stand and he was a good one and had some missed opportunities on other bruisers from it.
I settled in with a perfect wind and no sounds of hammering or chainsawing right across my fence like had happened the other 2 evenings as well as the dogs running. Everything was set for perfect for the final evening of muzzleloader season until almost right at 6:00 PM when I heard the first dog yip to my eastThey made a big loop from the NE corner of our property all the way the length of our 80 on the east side and then made a U-turn and ran all the way back through the west side to where I was and a big doe blasted by with 3 dogs on her tail and they continued right on through the sanctuary bedding area...I sat till dark after that with no sightings whatsoever of anything...This seems to happen on a daily basis and I have no idea who owns these dogs or if anyone does because I saw no collars. I guess I may try to catch them and take them to the pound but they are really spooky and if they see me they run...really trying my patience because I see no way to hunt our place until I get a handle on this...
On the way in early this morning I have to cross a very rocky creek. I step across a couple really large rocks to do so and when I was doing this with my rifle slung on my shoulder the top sling mount pulled out of the wood and the rifle rotated off my shoulder and even though I still had gold of the butt it smashed into the rock with my front sight and vibrated the gun so much it actually opened the action and caused 209 primer to fly off into the darkness.
Looking at it now in broad daylight it got hurt much worse than I thought...
Not sure how to go about the dog issue right now. My plan is to try to catch because I got pretty close to one of the "pups" one day but momma is a wild one and turns tail pretty quickly. If I catch they go to the pound... I have no idea who's they are...biggest problem with our place is the 160 acres next door that was broken into 16 10 acre "hunting" camps. there are so many folks back up in there and it seems they all have dogs and since I don't drive up that private road between all of them because there are some pretty shady characters up in there...It's a wonder we ever see a deer anywhere the way things are so I must just assume those folks are their own undoing as far as deer hunting go's with all the activity and roaming dogs and dogs barking everywhere that are left at these hunting shacks and stuff...Yeah, your going to have to do something about the dog problem or it's going to ruin the rest of your season! Guess you got 3 choices. Try to find the owners, trap them or shoot!
Hope you can take care of the problem. Your right, warmest muzzleloader season I ever remember. Deer here are moving pretty much at night! I am starting to see a lot more rubs. Some cooler weather and it'll get real good. End of this week is suppose to cool off back to normal.
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I feel for you on trespassers...if a dog ever felt like he was going to chase me or mine then that is the last straw and right then...I will be CC while I am bowhunting and then after that I will have my rifle in hand...Could be worse with human trespassers. People just have no respect for other people's property.
As for the dogs, the ones we have don't run away, they chase me, which won't continue for much longer. I am a dog lover and animal person but it comes to a point where I have had enough.
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I agree on Eli having some great family...I can hardly wait to get out there again with him sometime the week of Thanksgiving to try to get him a deer! I noticed Home 10 has a bunch of loblollies rubbed until dead a couple days when I was over there so hopefully I can get Eli on one of the culprits!Eli has one fine grandpappy! Hope you get the dog situation resolved. Think I'd rather have a yote slipping thru than seeing a bunch of yapping dogs running and barking thru the property.
Something about those grey laminated wood stocks I guess as far as holding a sling swivel...Johnny, do you remember seeing this picture and asking me why I don't attach my sling like a normal person?
View attachment 4320
I carried it all week but never got to fire it at anything because I saw nothing that I wanted to shoot as a "season ender" but you are correct about liking carries well, points well, cleans easy enough, good accuracy, and I like how easy it is to get the 209 primer on and off...It has the added bonus of being able to buy extra barrels to make it all purpose...great little gun!
Around here it seems as season rolls along the dogs start disappearing but I have a feeling that is what happens on heavily hunted ground like what surrounds us...My wife and I have "extra" barrels for our encores and we really enjoy shooting with them.
The dog running you are experiencing is a real bummer for sure. Good luck with this issue;it's a tough one to deal with but I've never seen it go away by itself. I think that at least here the days of taking care of the problem ourselves is a thing of the past; the better way overall is to work within the laws you have in your county and state to correct the problem and educate the persons responsible. Figuring out what the applicable laws are is a job in itself.
I am sure it could help but our place was a nightmare to run barbwire so I could only imagine how hogwire would be especially since the fence also crosses the creek in 3 places!Would net wire on that boundary do any good? I know they could walk around and then sorta be "trapped" but it might keep them out. Of course it would have to be tight to the ground, and I know some of your territory is quite hilly
I once had a guy tell me, after i escorted his dog home with my chickens feathers in his mouth, that the reason he moved to the country was so that his dog had a place to run. And that i was taking the enjoyment out of it for them.
I was nearly speechless. Nearly.
Good luck, Kubota. Enjoy your thread.
Yesterday made the 4th evening hunt in a row that was screwed up by dogs...I am getting their pattern down now and that is not going to bode well for them...
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