"Whitetail Hollow" - 90 Acres NE Oklahoma.

Well, added some “industrial yellow” to the mix now. Gonna use it on both properties and commercially. Pretty stoked!






It should be delivered end of next week from Texas. It is getting a paint job, new decals, and all new fluids, filters and battery. Has a 90 day warranty as well...

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I got a text this morning from our renter over at our other place saying they had a leak in the master bath and had shut the water off and headed for work. I decided to take my tractor with me and a chainsaw because we have some trees growing up under the power line I wanted to take down to keep them out of the line. 1 was a big Callery Pear (hate). I got there and was working on the leak when my cousin called and asked me what I was doing. I told him that I needed an o-ring so he grabbed some and came over to help me. While I was waiting on him the delivery guy with the dozer called and said he was on his way...2 days earlier than I figured but it was all good because I was actually going to have it delivered to that property because I have a lot of work for it over there. We got the leak fixed, I cut the trees and then we met the semi that was doing our delivery. This is what it looked like as delivered.


I knew I was going to be working in rock and trees mainly starting off so I decided to pull the rake off...luckily I had my tractor there and after pulling 2 pins I lifted it off. This thing has to weigh over 1000 lbs...it was HEAVY!


Before I left it was a bit dirtier...lol


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I got a text this morning from our renter over at our other place saying they had a leak in the master bath and had shut the water off and headed for work. I decided to take my tractor with me and a chainsaw because we have some trees growing up under the power line I wanted to take down to keep them out of the line. 1 was a big Callery Pear (hate). I got there and was working on the leak when my cousin called and asked me what I was doing. I told him that I needed an o-ring so he grabbed some and came over to help me. While I was waiting on him the delivery guy with the dozer called and said he was on his way...2 days earlier than I figured but it was all good because I was actually going to have it delivered to that property because I have a lot of work for it over there. We got the leak fixed, I cut the trees and then we met the semi that was doing our delivery. This is what it looked like as delivered.


I knew I was going to be working in rock and trees mainly starting off so I decided to pull the rake off...luckily I had my tractor there and after pulling 2 pins I lifted it off. This thing has to weigh over 1000 lbs...it was HEAVY!


Before I left it was a bit dirtier...lol


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Awesome machine! A big congrats!

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Great bucks and machine! Very impressive for the size of the property and neighbors. Are the knobs the bucks like to bed on brushy or fairly open? Having the best buck bedding in the area has to be huge for your situation.

Interesting experience you noted about mature bucks moving in after you kill one. I'm hoping for the same on my place as well as keeping our younger up and comers around. The last 2 years we've noticed an inordinate number of 3.5 and 4.5 year olds dissapear as the rut approached which is the opposite of normal on this farm. We've had a few older bucks around but the most active the last couple years was 6.5 year old which we killed on Nov 19th. I suspect (HOPE) he was the reason younger bucks were leaving. It will be interesting to see what happens.
Congratulations Okies on your new purchase which I see is a multi-use vehicle----very cool. The picture of it "dirty" made me laugh; show us again after you get used to it.It sure is sweet looking!
Yes, they made it so pretty I am almost sad to get it in the brush and trees...almost ...lol. Thanks, not only is it gonna be used on our 2 farms but it’s also gonna have to earn its keep...just like my Kubota tractor...
Great bucks and machine! Very impressive for the size of the property and neighbors. Are the knobs the bucks like to bed on brushy or fairly open? Having the best buck bedding in the area has to be huge for your situation.

Interesting experience you noted about mature bucks moving in after you kill one. I'm hoping for the same on my place as well as keeping our younger up and comers around. The last 2 years we've noticed an inordinate number of 3.5 and 4.5 year olds dissapear as the rut approached which is the opposite of normal on this farm. We've had a few older bucks around but the most active the last couple years was 6.5 year old which we killed on Nov 19th. I suspect (HOPE) he was the reason younger bucks were leaving. It will be interesting to see what happens.
Most all of those points are pretty brushy. I enhanced one of them over the last couple years with a chainsaw and I found 4 sheds in there last winter. I think what really helps our little property is the fact I keep food going year around here whether it be plots, feeders, mast and trees cut in winter. None of the neighbors do anything other than start running little sling feeders around end of October and once rifle season is over they do nothing else...it sure makes the few does in the area take notice and hang out in here and you know what that means. So far I have 2 new bucks that have moved in and 1 will be a dandy next year and I am not sure what to think about the other 1...the big 8 has come back and using our place daily now. We are still in rifle season and these deer are cruising around out here in daylight...thanks!
Not sure if I've ever posted my theory here or not, but I suspect mature bucks are much like big bass in a pond. The most dominant bass will always take the best cover for himself. Once you've caught him and he is removed, the next dominant bass with fill in the void and claim it for himself. For fishing this means that you can catch nice fish in the same spot all summer long (excluding spawn and seasonal movement patterns). Same goes for mature bucks and preferred habitat.
Not sure if I've ever posted my theory here or not, but I suspect mature bucks are much like big bass in a pond. The most dominant bass will always take the best cover for himself. Once you've caught him and he is removed, the next dominant bass with fill in the void and claim it for himself. For fishing this means that you can catch nice fish in the same spot all summer long (excluding spawn and seasonal movement patterns). Same goes for mature bucks and preferred habitat.

I concur. In my case I'm just hoping the buck I killed was the most dominant bass in the pond.
Day 1 I spent getting to know our knew purchase. I am working on “Home 10” for those of you that remember that one. The sections I am working in are the added 15-20 acres that we got later. BlackBerry vines have almost completely taken over all section of the open areas and are actually taller than the bulldozer in places. I also took out about 50 mid sized post oaks, elm, hickory and some big cedar trees. My dozer pile is getting quite large







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Dang Johnny! I miss a week or so of checking your thread and all kind of things happen. Congrats to Eli on a fine buck. Many of us feel like we have watched him grow up over the past few years. Similar to Jaden on my side. Watching him grow from a lil' 7 yr old boy when I bought my farm to just turning 16 last week seems so surreal. Good on you for spending so much time with Eli and teaching him to hunt. You know that will be some of his fondest memories as he gets older.

As for the yellow purchase - I'm guessing between bush hogging and now dozer work, you won't have time to hunt next year. That is one fine looking machine and seems perfectly suited to you. Congrats!!!
Dang Johnny! I miss a week or so of checking your thread and all kind of things happen. Congrats to Eli on a fine buck. Many of us feel like we have watched him grow up over the past few years. Similar to Jaden on my side. Watching him grow from a lil' 7 yr old boy when I bought my farm to just turning 16 last week seems so surreal. Good on you for spending so much time with Eli and teaching him to hunt. You know that will be some of his fondest memories as he gets older.

As for the yellow purchase - I'm guessing between bush hogging and now dozer work, you won't have time to hunt next year. That is one fine looking machine and seems perfectly suited to you. Congrats!!!
It just seems like yesterday that Eli was just a little toddler playing with his little “Fast Truck” in the floor at our old house. I look forward to our hunts and time together. My goal in 2020 is to build something I can teach his little brother to hunt out of because he is not still or quiet...lol

I will still make time to hunt...it’s all in the scheduling! Work hard, spring, summer, and winter....
It’s been fun to follow your adventures for the past 5 years or so.. It was the first thread I read through on the QDMA forum and it got me hooked.
Can’t wait to see what you do with the new toy on the 90, the possibilities are endless. Surely you’ve been day dreaming quite a bit about those possibilities... what did ya come up with?

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It’s been fun to follow your adventures for the past 5 years or so.. It was the first thread I read through on the QDMA forum and it got me hooked.
Can’t wait to see what you do with the new toy on the 90, the possibilities are endless. Surely you’ve been day dreaming quite a bit about those possibilities... what did ya come up with?

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I know you can get carried away on a dozer and end up doing things you can’t undo quickly so luckily it is over at Home 10 clearing huge piles of briars out of the fields and doing nothing that can’t be undone. After I get done them that “itch” should be scratched so I can be more “conservative” on our 90... I have some trail work to do and some clearing but I also want to get loggers in here sometime hopefully in 2020 because we have value in timber in a large area I would like to turn into thick bedding areas. Thick Bedding is the only thing we really need for some doe groups and a trail along the east side. I will do some clearing but a lot will be with a chainsaw and once trees are down I may push them into a pile with the dozer because I want the stumps to sprout into thickets and I want to use the piles as visual blockades...

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