I am not going to say it is all fun and games in an open cab. It gets hot where I am - 30 miles from the Texas state line. And I have come in hot and dusty many a time. I have a piece of property 8 road miles away that I drive to on my tractor six or eight times a year - and some mornings can be pretty chilly. I have some time in a cab tractor - I cant hear the equipment, I cant see as well, and I would hate to put it in some of the places I do that are brushy, thick with trees, etc. My wife bought me some ear buds for when I was on the tractor - I wont even use them. I typically dont spend long hours on a tractor - between my two tractors, probably about 250 hrs a year. I live on my place and can usually choose my times of work - I am not going out and work in the rain if I can help it. There probably are not more than a couple times a year when I spend 8 hrs in a day on a tractor. My next door neighbors are cattlemen. They work all day everyday. They cant work around weather. I would have a cab tractor if I was them. Of the 250 hrs a year I spend on a tractor, half is on a little 28 hp JD back in the woods trails bush hogging, spraying, clearing logs and trees out of the trails, spreading seed or fertilizer with a spreader - that kind of thing so much easier on a small tractor than my 65 hp JD. Not even sure you can get a cab on a 28 hp tractor - it would look like a house on top a lawnmower. I do have a canopy on my 65 hp.
I put 1200 miles a year on my polaris ranger - all on my 350 acres. I dont have an enclosed cab on it. Even took the windshield off - it does have a roof - and I am out in it some in bad weather - hunting.
Each to his own - I guess that is why they make both.