Turkey Hunting Thread!

Another fine hunt !


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Got my son his first this am. Was nice to be back in the woods.... Been a long 6 weeks since goose season ended

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Congratulations. Calling in my son's first gobbler was one of the best times I've ever had hunting.
Finally got in the woods. Called two in. And missed.

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I've had the most trouble missing on close up birds. I usually shoot a full choke and hitting a bird's head at 15 yards or less is tough. Well for me it is. That ball of pellets at 10 yards is about the size of my fist.
Does anyone use an over/under for turkey hunting ?
I have a 20 gauge Browning Citori with selectable barrels that I let my kids use.
The nice thing about the selectable barrel is I have one set up for distance and the other for close up shots. It's handy when they sneak in close. I have the bottom barrel with a skeet choke and 71/2's, the top with full choke and 5 shot.
Those close birds don't get away anymore and the gun is light as a feather which is nice when hunting the hills like we do.
I have gobblers roost on a property just to my south. The pasture on my side was abandoned and starting to grow up when I bought the place a few years back. Yesterday we opened up a Ridge and cut a few 10' trails back to the firelane and the top of the Ridge where it's open all the way to my pond. I'm hoping this will be more attractive to turkeys than all the thick brush where a bobcat or other predators could hide.


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Thats looks verily similar to what I working with. I have mature pines where they roost on a neighbor, but have lots of thick brush like you mowed down between those roost and my clearings.