Turkey Hunting Thread!

Could you take the shot then? If not it sounds like a frustrating situation and moving to an area inside the area you can hunt and shoot will be much more enjoyable for you...

That is a good point, but I'm not 100% concerned with shooting. To answer your question, no I could not take the shot. I have never asked for permission, and I don't plan on it. The turkeys roost right on the property line...the challenge is calling them over to my side.

I don't care about shooting turkeys because I would rather eat one from the grocery store. But I sure do love listening to them and watching them strut.
That is a good point, but I'm not 100% concerned with shooting. To answer your question, no I could not take the shot. I have never asked for permission, and I don't plan on it. The turkeys roost right on the property line...the challenge is calling them over to my side.

I don't care about shooting turkeys because I would rather eat one from the grocery store. But I sure do love listening to them and watching them strut.
Ah, I see...
We are loaded with turkeys. The flock this winter is probably around 80. 3 years ago, I counted 103 one morning as they walked single file out of the woods. They roost all around my home and fly down into my yard and driveway every morning. They walk onto my deck.
Strutting is in full swing right now. There's got to be 3 dozen toms and jakes in my yard and plots every day for hours at a time.
I actually watched some turkey porn this morning from my kitchen window. This is the earliest I've ever seen mating going on. 18 degrees and 3 inches of snow on the ground (SW Pa). Seems too early for "love".

This is a typical sight on my deck.
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Holy cow! That's a wad of turkeys. Do you hunt those at all?

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I don't have near the birds that we used to in MO. I plan on hunting with the kid in youth season, then may take a few days off and hit some walk in areas in KS. Might get far enough out to find another Rio. Still need to get down to FL one of these years and get an Osceola.

When you get in the mood for an Osceola, I may be able to help some....
Not many turkey hunters around here and starting to see a bunch of dumb birds. 50 -60 bird groups throughout the winter. I hunted them a couple of times and have only spent 20 minutes in the woods in my life to get my birds. The problem in Illinois is no out of state guy wants to come hunt them because of the price tag they ask for tags and that only one bird can be killed.

The 150$ a day landowners wanted for us to hunt their land was the reason I stopped going to Illinois. Still way cheaper then a Osceola hunt though. They are sure proud of them birds down in Florida!



Had a good start to the season here in GA. Took my bosses 14yr old son for youth weekend and we sealed the deal shortly after daylight on a nice 2yr old gobbler.



Had a good start to the season here in GA. Took my bosses 14yr old son for youth weekend and we sealed the deal shortly after daylight on a nice 2yr old gobbler.
Sweet!!!!!! I will be down in Butts county, Ga. Saturday morning when the sun comes up!
When you get in the mood for an Osceola, I may be able to help some....

I am thinking maybe next year. I have an empty PM box waiting for any tips!

Started eyeing places in KS but they have raised the fees since the last time I hunted out there. Now since I have already shot a turkey in KS a couple years ago I am thinking about giving OK a try. We will see.
Holy cow! That's a wad of turkeys. Do you hunt those at all? Sent from my iPhone using Deer Hunter Forum

Not any more. Just doesn't seem to be a challenge here. These birds are in my yard several times a day and when I'm outside, they barely move off. Hunting them here would almost be like shooting fish in a barrel. Sure like having them around though. They're kinda like wild pets.
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I enjoy it but honestly could take it or leave it. We kill a pile of mature birds every year and even get the kids in on it which is the most fun. Now if I could just consistently kill mature deer like I kill mature turkeys...



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Man idk what it is about Turkey hunting... it's the gobbling the beautiful colors of the birds... but I honestly think it's the finally getting out in the woods after a long cold winter here in Ohio and listening to the woods come alive on a warmer spring day and watching everything get greener day by day! I get soo pumped for the first day of turkey.. I've gotten my fair share of longbeards and I've been fortunate enough to take some mature bucks with my bow now but idk I don't get near as excited for deer season like I do for Turkey.. no doubt to me a big mature buck is much more rewarding.. but it might be also because our Turkey season comes and goes soo quick in the spring.. our deer season is like a marathon.. I don't even do my hardcore hunting deer hunting till first week of November because I know that's my best chance at one of the big old brutes at my spot.. so that's over a month of deer season gone by before I get serious! For each their own but I am starting to almost like Turkey hunting more!

Last 7 years or so

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This is from December 12(correct date on photo). This is shortly after they shed and grew new feathers. The boys were showing off.

This is from March 12(correct date, wrong time). This camera is on a creek bank and the turkeys roost directly behind it on the neighbors or they roost right above the camera. You can never tell which way they are going to pitch down.. Most of the time, they pitch onto the neighbors. The good thing is, my brother leased it last fall to put cattle on, so I get to turkey hunt it now. No more getting away by staying on that side of the creek or pitching to that side in the AM. The only problem I have, is my brother is off more days than I am and likes to turkey hunt more than I do.
I enjoy it but honestly could take it or leave it. We kill a pile of mature birds every year and even get the kids in on it which is the most fun. Now if I could just consistently kill mature deer like I kill mature turkeys...



Nice birds, and great job getting the kids involved. I have to ask though, seeing the black shirt and black hat I would assume you were hunting from a blind. If that's the case, how many mature turkeys have you killed without a blind or decoys?

I have nothing against the way someone hunts, but if you're wanting more of a challenge, ditch the blind and decoys and battle those jokers 1 on 1.
Here is an example..... This one was tough. I shot him with a shotgun and before I could get to him, he jumped up and flew across the road(a busy 5 lane hwy) to the SOUTHEASTERN HEADQUARTERS of a large insurance company(hint: His name is Jake). I search their property for about 30 minutes after talking to the security guard to let him know what I'm doing. Its getting dark and I leave my number. The only place I didn't look was the front, MAIN ENTRANCE!!! I go check and there he stands right next to the flag pole. Dear Lord help me..... This time I use my bow, but the only thing I had was broadheads with the little adder points on the back for small game. I shoot him and only get a couple inches of penetration. Well, he is down and I run grab him and the fight was on. He was very alive and I thought he was going to spur me to death or crack my skull with his wings. I finally get him under control so I can tug on his neck..... done. Whew. Im walking back to my truck when he decides on round 2. He hits me with a left and I drop him, he takes off running with his head and neck flopping in the wind, I tackle him and cut his throat. I had no idea a turkey had that much blood in it. :eek: Luckily, 99% of everyone had got off work and there were only 2 employees and a security guard left to watch me get beat up by an oversized chicken in the parking lot. He weighed a little over 24lb, had a 10.5" beard and started with 1 1/4" spurs until concrete got involved and they ended up being 1 1/8". Best turkey hunt I've ever had.
I killed a lowly jake in bluejeans and a t-shirt, but can't find the pics. I put the sneak on him and shot him at about 25yds. Gotta use the cover provided and sneak very slowly once you start getting close.
how many mature turkeys have you killed without a blind or decoys?

Probably only 1 or 2 dozen. I didn't say anything about a challenge, only that I could take it or leave it. They don't do it for me like mature bucks do.

Are those Merriams in your profile pic? We hunted those in Montana a few times. Might be the only turkeys dumber than the ones we have here.
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