Turkey Hunting Thread!


Staff member
Just 25 days and a wake up and it's on for Turkey season. The birds I normally see haven't been around much of late but I expect them along anytime now since the clover plots are starting to pop!

I have read on the general forum that some of you guys like it as much as or possibly more than I do. Something about sitting in the woods with shotgun on knee using a boxcall to entice our largest gamebird into range is just the hunting experience at it's finest!
I'm planning on working on clearing out a new spot just for turkey hunting next week.
They roost on a Ridge just across from my south property line and I want a nice opening so they can see the grass really is greener on the other side of the fence!

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Lots of writing and talk down our way about the decline in Turkey population. Everybody got a reason, but none know for sure. We just don't see the turkeys in game cameras like we used to. Good luck with the Ol Tom up your way
I attempted to walk over to the south plot near our home yesterday evening about 6:00 after my mandatory work day of sawing down trees, treating stumps, and planting new trees near our home but I spied a big tom working the plot through the trees so I backed out...glad to see some moving back in now...they left for a little while after the burn we did...
I was up at our place early today with the local NRCS agent and although I didn't see any birds I did see where they had been scratching, and heard a few gobbles. There hasn't been much turkey activity on our property for the last few years so it was kind of encouraging.
I prefer turkey hunting over deer hunting any day of the week. We are lucky to have a spring and fall season here. We can shoot 4 bearded birds in the spring and 1 bird per county in the fall(17 counties out of 95, don't have a fall season). I like to call them in, but I am not scared to get up and ambush one. Our season opens April 1 and closes May 14 this year.
I'll be waiting impatiently for our opener on May 1st.

Every year it seems I enjoy turkey hunting more and more.
Not many turkey hunters around here and starting to see a bunch of dumb birds. 50 -60 bird groups throughout the winter. I hunted them a couple of times and have only spent 20 minutes in the woods in my life to get my birds. The problem in Illinois is no out of state guy wants to come hunt them because of the price tag they ask for tags and that only one bird can be killed.
The past two months I have been seeing birds together in group of 20 gobblers and up to 30 hens. I am very happy about that. Last year I only saw birds in groups of 5-10 and very few beards. I am hoping this is a result of me and my neighbors going to war on yotes. I still get pics of yotes but not as many. I am also not hearing as many groups howling at sunset. I have yet to hear a bird gobble but I have only went outside once which was this past Sunday for sunup.
I don't have near the birds that we used to in MO. I plan on hunting with the kid in youth season, then may take a few days off and hit some walk in areas in KS. Might get far enough out to find another Rio. Still need to get down to FL one of these years and get an Osceola.
I have gobblers roost on a property just to my south. The pasture on my side was abandoned and starting to grow up when I bought the place a few years back. Yesterday we opened up a Ridge and cut a few 10' trails back to the firelane and the top of the Ridge where it's open all the way to my pond. I'm hoping this will be more attractive to turkeys than all the thick brush where a bobcat or other predators could hide.


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We are loaded with turkeys. The flock this winter is probably around 80. 3 years ago, I counted 103 one morning as they walked single file out of the woods. They roost all around my home and fly down into my yard and driveway every morning. They walk onto my deck.
Strutting is in full swing right now. There's got to be 3 dozen toms and jakes in my yard and plots every day for hours at a time.
I actually watched some turkey porn this morning from my kitchen window. This is the earliest I've ever seen mating going on. 18 degrees and 3 inches of snow on the ground (SW Pa). Seems too early for "love".

This is a typical sight on my deck.
Railing hen 2012-12-22 at 3.00.12 PM.jpg
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Opening day is tomorrow. Going to try to get a bird early before heading to work. Good luck to other SC hunters!
Birds gobbled like crazy this morning but I couldn't seal the deal. 2 toms strutted by within range...on the neighbors property.
If they were in Shotgun range and were on your neighbors you might want to move...

I have tried to go out to look at my south plot 3 times in the past 2 weeks and every single time it is covered in Turkeys so I back out...I guess they stay on it all day because I have tried to go Morning, noon, and evening...
Why? I have a good relationship with my neighbor.
Could you take the shot then? If not it sounds like a frustrating situation and moving to an area inside the area you can hunt and shoot will be much more enjoyable for you...