Throw N Mow thread...

For those of you doing throw and mow into WR or WW every year, do you have a build up of thatch? Or does it break down fast enough for the seed to find dirt year after year?
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Prepping for central KS throw and mow. Sprayed glyphosate with surfactant on 1.25 acres Sat at 4 pm. It started raining at 2 am so hoping I'll get a good kill still. Letting that die for 10 days then going in to sow winter rye, turnips and radishes. Hoping it works. Probably just do a cedar tree drag this first time to lay down the dead grass. It needed killing as in spring I am going to work on switch in that location. Will try to grab a couple of pics. Had knee to waist high pasture grass in there to start.
I had this on my home place thread, forgot about this thread.
I sprayed a week ago and touched up some spots I missed this past weekend. I’ve got about 8 acres divided up by 4 plots. I will probably wait till after Labor Day to plant and pray for some rain






I’ll plant a mix of cereal grains, turnips, peas and clover.
I have about 4 acres that we have been clearing. I got most for the brush piles burned this past weekend. I will probably throw and cultipack them soon. They are not plots, but will serve more as wildlife openings in the timber and should provide great bedding. I just thought I’d get some seed on the ground for fall ground cover

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So if planting turnips, radishes and cereal rye, is the consensus to plant the turnips and radishes first, then 2-3 weeks later put down the rye seed? I can plant all at once or try to give the brassicas a head start.
So if planting turnips, radishes and cereal rye, is the consensus to plant the turnips and radishes first, then 2-3 weeks later put down the rye seed? I can plant all at once or try to give the brassicas a head start.
That’s how I would do it. Brassicas typically take 2 weeks to germinate on packed soils. Rye or oats can pop in a few days and shade things out.
That’s how I would do it. Brassicas typically take 2 weeks to germinate on packed soils. Rye or oats can pop in a few days and shade things out.

You were just over seeding the rye on top of the thatch this point?

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Had about an 80% kill I'd say on the pasture grass. Maybe the balance will keep browning out. Put down 200 pounds of rye seed on 1.25 acres and 10 pounds total of radishes and turnips. Then pulled a 20' tall cedar back and forth over it lol. Would really like to get my tractor over there but its a long haul. Anyway, maybe if it rains something will come up. If it does, I'll post a pic.

Soil test said pH was 7.5-8.0, potassium was on the high end, phosphorus was low at 5. I think I can put down 50-100 pounds phosphorus per acre in the spring.
Had about an 80% kill I'd say on the pasture grass. Maybe the balance will keep browning out. Put down 200 pounds of rye seed on 1.25 acres and 10 pounds total of radishes and turnips. Then pulled a 20' tall cedar back and forth over it lol. Would really like to get my tractor over there but its a long haul. Anyway, maybe if it rains something will come up. If it does, I'll post a pic.

Soil test said pH was 7.5-8.0, potassium was on the high end, phosphorus was low at 5. I think I can put down 50-100 pounds phosphorus per acre in the spring.
Rain will be your biggest challenge out there I’m sure. The good news is the rye will set on top of the ground a long time, waiting for rain. I’m not sure how your brassicas will turn out, but the rye is the most important anyway.
The rain is my biggest concern right now as well. We’ve got a few days calling for 30-40% but that’s about it. My fields are ready to go, just need some rainfall. I may go ahead and plant this coming weekend

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This mix is from Justin Seed. I used their fall mix in the past, but this is their fall mix with clover

Wheat 12%, Oats 12%, Rye 12%, Barley 12%, Triticale 12%, Winterpeas 10%, Crimson Clover 4%, Berseem Clover 4%, Turnips 4%, Rape 4%, Arrowleaf Clover 4%, Yellow Blossom Clover 4%, Vetch 3%, Alfalfa 2%, Silver River Clover 1%

For broadcasting, I’m worried about the smaller seeds mixed in with the larger seeds.

I used their fall mix last year

Should I just go with the Fall mix w/o clover and broadcast a clover mix separately?

If I did that, I’d was thinking about Crimson and Arrowleaf and maybe even some Ladino
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If it's throw and mow it probably doesn't matter too much. If you're planting w/ any kind of tillage or disking, I wouldn't want small seeds in with the big seeds.
Like badgerfowl said, I'd broadcast it all together, in the past I have broadcast many different sized seeds together without a problem. I also have drilled a mix called Ray's Crazy Summer Mix, with seeds of every size mixed together, and from the looks of it, I think every last seed in the mix grew to maturity. The important part of broadcasting is that the seeds require seed to soil contact (and rain) to germinate.
Thanks guys
I’ll go with the Fall mix w/Clover and add in a little more cereal rye

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Do you guys think there is a decent chance of having a good fall plot here? I sprayed last weekend with Sedge Ender and Roundup and then I seeded/limed today. I started mowing, but I blew the gearbox on a couple of small stumps. It's already starting to burn down so will there be enough die off between now and Oct for a solid germination % and some healthy top growth? Weeds were anywhere from 6" to 3 ft tall in some spots, but probably about 12"-24" on average.

I should specify, I'm asking about the stuff that didn't get mowed.


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I'm a newbie but maybe you could use a gas fired weedeater in there? Doesn't look too large. Either way the work you do this fall should make next spring easier I would think. At least that is my hope on my spot.
What did you use for seed? As long as you get some rain and the brows pressure isn’t too heavy, your plot should be successful.

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