The Kansas foresters highly recommend girdling. It’s what they do when they do TSI.
He told my father-in-law they like the slow decomposition of the wood, both in the air and on the ground. It creates less ground clutter according to the forester. As many trees as one fella is taking down, brush piles would not be feasible either.Would it be because it’s safer? I prefer the on the ground clusters personally
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Not great hence the broomsedge and crp! We had it sprayed for sericia this year so I may be hurting for Forbes next year. I have some 6 foot tall Indian grass and some big blue that I think will take off without the SL. The part that didn’t burn this spring will get torched next spring.Wagon blind looks good.I read your first few posts then skipped to end.How is your CRP doing?I saw you had broomsedge and your CRP looked short.What is your soil quality?
Well I got the letter from the Missouri Department of Conservation that they found a positive CWD deer in our section. They are requesting some concentrated killing and testing. Not sure if I am going to turn them loose. I might shoot a few to have tested. We did not have any tested during last season. I don't think there will be much of an appetite for an extermination in the neighborhood. I will be getting all of our harvests tested going forward, in MO it is only mandatory opening weekend.