I believe this thread has generated such interest because the predator situation is so varied all across the continent. It is not like someone asked is it better to plant wheat or rye. There are SO MANY things to consider when speaking of predators that it is difficult to take all into account. So many in fact, that it is easy to generalize and not see the whole picture. It is an incorrect statement to say you cant do anything about predators or they are not negatively impacting your game. It is also an incorrect statement to say you need to control your predators or predators are negatively impacting your game. To say one or the other shows either your narrow mindedness or ignorance of the situation. But, if you say predators are not impacting the game populations in MY AREA - that could well be a true and accurate statement based upon YOUR knowledge of YOUR area.
I have worked in the wildlife management business for forty years now, and the impact predators will have on an area is probably as varied as anything we deal with. I have two properties eight miles apart in the same river bottoms - and the impact predators have on those two areas is night and day difference. And to be honest, the area they negatively impact less has a lot more predators than the other area.
I think that is why predators generate so much interest - because their impact is so varied across the country. I cuss them in May and June - on only one of my properties - and welcome them the other ten months of the year - at least for now.
I have worked in the wildlife management business for forty years now, and the impact predators will have on an area is probably as varied as anything we deal with. I have two properties eight miles apart in the same river bottoms - and the impact predators have on those two areas is night and day difference. And to be honest, the area they negatively impact less has a lot more predators than the other area.
I think that is why predators generate so much interest - because their impact is so varied across the country. I cuss them in May and June - on only one of my properties - and welcome them the other ten months of the year - at least for now.