Place is looking good as always Tommy! Might wanna drop a couple of those apple crisps off by the farm on the way to your place. My grafting capabilities did not measure up to your hands on instruction a couple years ago. Not a single one made it. Thought I did it exactly as you showed me but apparently my thumb ain't green enough. Pulled the tubes off of them yesterday and mourned the loss of all those future apples I had hoped to grow. Good news is that the ones you grafted are doing great!
LLC I am sorry to hear that all of the decent bucks are all shot out already;that is a real bummer. Regarding not seeing deer in the plots though, that is pretty normal for us. Sure we get a great plot picture now and then but the camera is out there 24/7 and we are not. We probably all agree that shooting deer out of plots is a sure way to keep bucks out of the open plot areas. I'm also becoming convinced that if the general area hunts plots then even those plots like most of ours and likely yours as well that seldom or never see a deer shot in them will not have bucks visiting them during the day or night except for the random love crazed ones during the few seemingly random days of the rut that it happens. As many people have correctly pointed out to me, our properties are not islands especially during the rut. Not only can one group kill lot of deer, their hunting pressure can significantly curtail and change deer behavior even during the rut on surrounding properties as well as their own.This is the view out of my "Fairways" stand. Saw several does in here Monday night. Unfortunately that is all I ever see. In 16 years, I've seen two antlered bucks on this plot.
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