Starting my journey...Locust Hill Farms in the Piedmont of Northern VA

Finally got a good photo of this guy. He's 5.5 YO this Fall, have his sheds from the last two years. He's added a tiny g4 to his left side but still a nice main frame buck.


Finally got a good photo of this guy. He's 5.5 YO this Fall, have his sheds from the last two years. He's added a tiny g4 to his left side but still a nice main frame buck.



Another whopper! You’ve got some excellent bucks using your place!

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Finally got some pine thinning going. I swear they tried to start in June and it hasn’t stopped raining till recently. It’s definitely dried out and warmed up so they started on a loading deck today. Working on this 50 acre block of pines. The rectangle in the middle will be a clear cut that goes down to a food plot (opening in that block) and the out sides will be thinned.


One of their main openings to branch off of.

They are just about finished with the clear cut in the pines. Finally got some seed in the ground before TS Ian dropped 3” on us.


They finished the clearcut a while back in the pines we are thinning. I think it turned out great. This spot is going to be awesome next year with some regrowth behind it:

The other spot we have been working on is a joy to hunt. Bucks cruise right on the edge of the bedding thicket and come right by the hang on stand. Nice view from this:


To this:

Since deer season has come and gone me and the boys decided to hit the ground running in 2023. We have 3 more bedding thickets we are trying to carve in before spring. This one (red outline) is 8 acres, loaded with autumn olive, ERC, cherry trees, etc.

It’s going to take a while to thicken up since we are mulching as much as possible but the AO are so bad we don’t feel like we have a choice.

It’s surprising seeing there are some nice trees tucked in some areas of this spot. This big red oak will thank us for getting rid of his competition of cedars.

After we mulch, phase two for this spot is to let the logger come in and take the marketable poplars and we will save a few trees but then flush cut and hinge a few here and there. Then when there is enough fuel again burn once to clean up and then put it on a 4-8 year rotation for burning. Going to have to spray a lot of AO resprouts but it is what it is.
I did have a friend find one of our target bucks the 7x6 dead a few days ago. He’s most definitely another EHD victim from September we just are getting around to finding him. We’ve found 9-10 bucks now and a dozen does that we know of but we will find more once we start shed hunting.

Dang. EHD can really be a kick in the nutz. Hope it doesn't hurt yall too bad
First time we have been hit hard since 2012. But the glass half full perspective is we usually rebound with great hunting 2-3 years after. Will give us enough time to get some of these projects done and hopefully see an improvement in deer hunting.