The Brushpile

Be safe. In my experience ice storms damage trees as bad as hurricanes.
It 2007 it looked like God took a giant hedge clippers to the forest; every large tree was badly damaged, and people were without power for a month. I have survived many Carolina hurricanes; no fun either.
It's slicker than slick here but not alot of buildup yet,ours is supposed to come tomorrow.
Got the generator out this afternoon: fresh gas, checked oil, charged battery, ran it a few minutes... Everything was dry when I started, slick as snot when I got done.
Hope you keep power and your plantings handle it well. I've been known to hit trees with a broom handle to knock off ice before.

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Good luck Brush. I'd rather have 2 feet of snow than any ice. Rough on everything. I think winter rain/ice storms are harder on deer than hard snows. Their coat will shed snow, but eventually rain will soak thru coat, and if with cold temps, is hard on young and old. My farm is just on the edge of the ice line so I'm hoping to miss it.
Those pics bring back ugly reminders of 2007'. Be careful out there.
Much of the trees on my 40 still show the damage from that storm.
Saved by warm air. While everything is covered in ice and there is tree damage, the temperature is 33 degrees this morning. Now I could use some real rain!
I'm about 30 miles South of the ice storm, and ice here has melted. Rain has been very light, almost a mist. Apparently it rained hard upstream because the river is flooded, but the pond is still low. Lots of damage to pines! White Pine is undamaged, but Loblolly sustained the worst damage because of long needles and brittle wood. Loblolly x Pitch Pine sustained less damage than Loblolly because of shorter needles.

Getting the urge to plant some Chokeberry.
I'm about 30 miles South of the ice storm, and ice here has melted. Rain has been very light, almost a mist. Apparently it rained hard upstream because the river is flooded, but the pond is still low. Lots of damage to pines! White Pine is undamaged, but Loblolly sustained the worst damage because of long needles and brittle wood. Loblolly x Pitch Pine sustained less damage than Loblolly because of shorter needles.

Getting the urge to plant some Chokeberry.
Sorry for the damage that you got, but it sounds like it mostly missed you.
I think we got lucky last night too. Enough ice to be pretty but no real damage that I've seen yet.

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Hope you to see the 40s before any winds catches the loaded down trees.

Glad to hear the river is rolling good. Oklahoma City was on my TV with cars skating around on the Interstate. Hope DogDoc was spared damage.

Lots of damaged trees, but the ice has melted and the rain has stopped. There wasn't much rain, but there's a 60% chance tomorrow.

Hope you to see the 40s before any winds catches the loaded down trees.

Glad to hear the river is rolling good. Oklahoma City was on my TV with cars skating around on the Interstate. Hope DogDoc was spared damage.

No damage here. Glad the meterologist missed the boat for central Oklahoma but w western oklahoma took a pretty good beating. Lots of rain on the way now-which we really need.
No damage here. Glad the meterologist missed the boat for central Oklahoma but w western oklahoma took a pretty good beating. Lots of rain on the way now-which we really need.
It's reached a point here, where my wife suggested that I just let the pond dry up! Real measurable precipitation is rare. There are chances this week and we need a gully washer, or at least a pond filler. The pond has not been full for almost two years!
It's reached a point here, where my wife suggested that I just let the pond dry up! Real measurable precipitation is rare. There are chances this week and we need a gully washer, or at least a pond filler. The pond has not been full for almost two years!
I don't think giving up is in your dna
It's reached a point here, where my wife suggested that I just let the pond dry up! Real measurable precipitation is rare. There are chances this week and we need a gully washer, or at least a pond filler. The pond has not been full for almost two years!
My dad has a stocked fish pond that dries up from time to time. The first time it got low he fought it and fought it. Stressed over it. Tried to save fish. Tried to harvest all the fish so they wouldn't go to waste. Now he relaxes over it because he can't change it. In actuality it gives him a chance to get in there and change the bottom some and add structure where he wants it. When it fills back up he restocks it and continues with life. That pond is the best thing on his place! We've shot TONS of duck off it, caught fish, swim, dove hunts, picnic, party, etc. It's never ending fun no matter how much water is in it (it went down to a puddle probably half of the winters in the last 10yrs). Going dry doesn't have to be the end of it, just change how you are using it.