Stone Branch, build it, they will come.

You guys and your big bucks! I need to get the saw and torch out more.

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It's clear to me, that's a good plan. More bucks, I'm now having trouble sorting which deer is which.

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For the past 30 years, my buck hunting strategy has been to take of the girls. Saw and fire has created enough nutrition up there so as to now afford does the resources to produce twins. The cover created up there has now allowed fawns to survive the onslaught of coyote. There are at least 4 fawns up there that will be great buck bait towards the end of November if necessary. Does are out all day long despite my regular presence and constant squirrel hunting pressure over my east property line.

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The old 8 has shed.

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Opening day, going away shooting lane out of the high stand, blowing my stink over top of the trail.

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Some deer west of me.

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Around the corner to the east, he came

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I was up bow in hand as he came down the trail. He stopped 15 yards out below me and gave me a good look, I knew who he was.

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I decided to give him a pass for now, which proved to be a moot point as his sixth sense kicked in. Most times he is not shy of the camera but sometimes he is.

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Is your camera a white flash? What’s the plan going forward, remove, move or buy a different type camera? Could always run it in daylight only if the flash is bothering him.
Is your camera a white flash? What’s the plan going forward, remove, move or buy a different type camera? Could always run it in daylight only if the flash is bothering him.

I checked, as is the rope camera about 30yards away, they are dark ops, dark flash. The old 8 don't seem to be too afraid of the cameras.

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My Homeboy 10 hasn't been pictured all summer.

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I did pick up his sheds the past 2 years.

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He's back, at least 5 years of age, and looking pretty symmetrical.

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