Sheds yet?

Well I am not 100% certain who you are but if you are who I think you are then no. The big one was way down south by Crawford line, the 130" ten was NW of my house 5 miles and the little one was just west of Crossroads.
Sorry I thought you knew my online handle, this is Mark and I hunted the South 80. Your comment about the young 10 made me think of the neighbor fella that stuck the 10 in Oct.
Had my best day ever today. It was actually better than any year I've ever had. Found sheds from both shooter bucks, and would have had a matching set if I hadn't run over one with the bush hog.



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It seems like used to we would find sheds and they had clean bases now it seems like alot of them have a spur of bone.The small one I found last night was broke up the side like part of it stayed on the pedicle
I was planning on doing some serious shed huntin' over the weekend, but the 3" of snow we got last night might slow me down a little. Hopefully with the clear skies we loose some of the snow today.
I found 5 in a lil 2 hour look see on our place Sunday. I found 2 laying on top of each other from 2 different bucks and found another 10 yards away...


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That's just incredible to find that many sheds in one walk. Either you have exceptional "shed eyes" or a lot more bucks than we have here. I average one shed for about three hours of concentrated shed searching. I'm leaning towards the idea that some people have better "shed eyes" than others and I'm not there myself YET.
That's just incredible to find that many sheds in one walk. Either you have exceptional "shed eyes" or a lot more bucks than we have here. I average one shed for about three hours of concentrated shed searching. I'm leaning towards the idea that some people have better "shed eyes" than others and I'm not there myself YET.
All of my shed searching is in the woods and are found in high concentrations of leaf litter. Makes it a challenge to spot them where everything is sticks and leaves...I have only found a couple over the years in the open...I would love to just go out to the plot and pick up sheds but that doesn't seem to be the case here and since there are absolutely no crops in many miles of here and no migration then the deer use the same areas throughout the year... I have increased our plot size from .6 of an acre to 2.2 acres with a dozer this year so maybe we will find a shed in it next year...
Went out and fought the deep snow yesterday. I got skunked but my friend found a nice set of whitetail antlers and a dink moose paddle.rsz_20170304_162606_1488676683493.jpg rsz_20170304_124717_1488660531732.jpg