Not me. I was at a Shed Dog Trial in Indiana. A few of those guys have found a few to one guy has found 4 and then 2. They have trained dogs - most report that bucks still holding.
Guys not happy with warm weather. They want cold weather to make certain food sources the go to location. Narrows down the search zone.
I was suprised to find one by a watering tank last week, seems pretty early to me. I think the super cold and snow we got earlier in the month may have had something to do with it.
I have just found 1 so far but am starting to see some that have dropped on camera. I am thinking we are a couple weeks out from the majority to drop around here.
I found these on my recent trip out to Kansas pheasant hunting the third week in January.
The one on the left is roughly a 160" eight with a 5" drop tine off it's main beam. The guide that we hunted with said that he thought he was 6.5 years old.The one on the right is a 130" eight with a 14" G2. Hopefully I see either one of these guys on my Kansas trip this fall.