Sawtooth Oaks

Hello, I have a tray of sawtooths that were started a little late. I took the acorns out of the fridge and into rootmaker 18s in early May. They have been outdoors ever since. Ive noticed the tops on some of them have drooped. Some tops appear to have died. We had a heat wave this past weekend with temps in the mid 90's. I kept them watered well but I fear the tops have fried on some of them. I have since pulled them into full shade. Does it appear the heat got to them?

I took a few pics this morning. What is the best way to get them posted?
They'll be fine. That new growth is kinda weak. They should perk back up. They better get used to the heat, they'll spend the rest of their lives in it.
Here's one thing I like about sawtooths--they grow all summer. Don't know if you can tell due to the bright sun, but this is a 9-year-from-acorn sawtooth I have in my front yard. Every time we get a good soaking rain during the summer it will put on a growth flush of 10-12". They don't grow in the spring then harden off like most oaks. This one is LOADED with acorns too.

A lot of you guys got acorns/seedlings off this tree the past four or five years. It drops in late October.

Front yard sawtooth.JPG
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Native, most of those won't make it I'm afraid. They should be dime sized by now. Maybe they'll take off. I got a lot that size on my trees that will soon abort.
Native, most of those won't make it I'm afraid. They should be dime sized by now. Maybe they'll take off. I got a lot that size on my trees that will soon abort.

Do you think that's because the trees are just beginning to bear and they should be okay in a year or two?
Thanks for the feedback! I'll keep an eye on them and hopefully new growth looks good!
Those seedlings look pretty darn good even with some drooping tops. I'm with LLC, they will recover. And they better embrace the heat. :D
Do you think that's because the trees are just beginning to bear and they should be okay in a year or two?
Boy those are small. They should be larger especially with you being south of me. I have noticed that mine stay pretty small until late summer though. I will watch them closer this year. Sounds like LLC has some experience, but i hope they hang on for you.
If they drop, wonder if its a pollination issue with the trees just beginnng to throw pollen?
Thanks guys. These were all on lower limbs. I really didn't try to see if they were bigger up high.

And, its possible they could be those Gobbler Sawtooths........???
My sawtooths were severely affected by the late March freeze. Lots of my good producers have no acorns. Frustrating.
Just went out and pulled a few small ones off my tree out front. Here's a picture of them with a quarter. Couldn't find any smaller.

Front Yard Sawtooths 6-16-17.JPG
Another random question for you guys. Do you spray your seedlings at all to protect them from insects when they are young?