Sawtooth Oaks

A buddy of mine has some near Gasport I think that he got the acorns from me. Not sure if they're producing yet. Don't think they are more than three years old.
I was thinking about going the root bag route with my sawtooth seedlings. Where do you guys get your 1 gallon root bags from?
I was thinking about going the root bag route with my sawtooth seedlings. Where do you guys get your 1 gallon root bags from?
Amazon carries most brands. They are usually sent via a vendor like AM Lenard or the actual company making them. If you're a Prime member the free shipping is nice!

I had about 30% success rate with my direct seeded sawtooths. Not bad for first attempt. Gonna have to put some cages next weekend.

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For you guys with producing Sawtooth Oaks does this look like I am on track for viable acorns this year? Some of these trees I bought from a guy several years ago that he had in 1 gallon pots and were about 6' tall and real spindly and root bound. I didn't know about cutting the root balls back then so I just dug holes the same size as the root ball and stuck them in the ground. Trees struggled a few years but now seem to have come out of it and are growing well. I have about 10 trees that are loaded like these pictures show.








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For you guys with producing Sawtooth Oaks does this look like I am on track for viable acorns this year? Some of these trees I bought from a guy several years ago that he had in 1 gallon pots and were about 6' tall and real spindly and root bound. I didn't know about cutting the root balls back then so I just dug holes the same size as the root ball and stuck them in the ground. Trees struggled a few years but now seem to have come out of it and are growing well. I have about 10 trees that are loaded like these pictures show.








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Those are definitely the starts of acorns. Just be warned, I've had young sawtooths start with what looks like a bumper crop (like you posted) abort them later in the summer. Not sure why or what causes it, but it does happen sometimes.
Those trees look great though!
Most oaks from what I've seen, once under some form of stress whether it be heat/drought/bugs ect ect will abort some acorns to help conserve energy or send it elsewhere the tree needs. I would definitely say those sawtooths are getting going good though!
Thanks for all the replies guys. These trees are on the old home place but I am now getting some started up on the hollow. Milt, I am looking forward to hunting with Eli near them... I have seen small acorns on some of these trees in the past but they have always aborted by August. I am hoping for viable acorns for the first time this year!

I planted this sawtooth as a seedling in March of 2014 and by July 2014 it looked like this.


July 2015 looked like this...



July 2016



And how it looked yesterday...



This tree now has small acorns on it so it went from a state nursery bare root seedling to a tree with acorns in 4 years...pretty cool! It has far outpaced all the rest...

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That's why I plant so many sawtooths. I'm all about natives but I want to hunt under my trees---not my grandchildren. LOL
I want to hunt with my grandchildren around them...sawtooth seem to be just the ticket for that! I think this toon relates to how I feel...

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I hear ya. I ain't as old as you. LOL But yes, I intend to hunt around them WITH my grandchildren some day, too.

My grandpas both planted some trees way back and I see them now and the first thing that comes to mind is my gramps...kind of going to be my way of living on I suppose...I want my daughters and grandkids and great grandkids to look all around the property and see me in it when I am gone...

I tried to get my 3 yr older than me cousin to plant a few trees on his 90 back in 2012 and his remark was he would never see it grown and my response was a saying I had heard about how "society becomes great when old men plant trees they know they will never stand in the shade of..."

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Yep. I know a place not far from here that my grandpa planted some red oaks on back in 1910 or so. They're still there. Though the old homestead is long gone and neighborhoods take it's place those trees are still doing what they were planted to do---shade homes from the hot July sun. Always make me smile when I see them and think of Papa. It's where I got my love of planting things and watching them grow. Kinda like the old saying, "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is today."
Ok guys, this thread has made me decide that I will be starting some sawtooth next spring, as long as I can score some nuts. I have never seen any in my area so I may be a little north but it's worth a shot. Very impressive growth. Thanks guys.

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