Lots of acorns around this year, which is why i think they arent eating the sawtooths up by the house as they have done in years past.Looks like your acorn crop is plentiful this year. I have some limbs hanging down like yours, and that makes it hard to prune them. They produce so many acorns that I do not want to lose them.
Never planted that variety, but many of my seedlings have grown up to produce a small acorn.I planted a few sawtooth oaks from native nurseries last fall, and have had about 75% survival so far, but not much growth, hopefully they take off next spring, So what about the Gobbler variety? Has anyone had luck with them?
Thanks, catscratch. Every winter i do TSI, favoring cedars and oaks. Whitetails love it on sawtooth hill in October. Completely screened and more food than they can eat. The apples? Well, thats a love/hate relationship here on the Home 10. If i can manage it, i am going to fence in that portion of the orchard this winter. They have mangled my apple trees there for too long.Good mix of habitat improvements Fish. I think I see Sawtooths, apples, miscanthus, and conifers in each of your pics. Looks like you've got it going on!