Well-Known Member
Excellent subject Dogghr! The short answer is that four particular sidewalks have produced five mature buck harvests over the last six years with mostly only one person hunting the sidewalks. Other sidewalks have mostly doe and young buck traffic and one or two are used more by coyotes than deer. The concept of using two dots connected by a sidewalk is solid but making that sidewalk steer a mature buck to a spot that has extremely low impact in getting in and out as well as the sit itself is doable but very challenging. And also having that sidewalk help steer the bucks travels to keep him on the property during daylight as long as possible is a tall order. We will discuss this subject more extensively over time as it is a big one.Not to reroute your apple talk Chainsaw, but since you are not doing anything , jk, can you take some pics of your sidewalks you made in your thickets you did few years back and how have they done and would you change anything? I do similar between my random clusters, but they are more vague. BTW, apple talk is always good on your place. Hope your snow melts soon, we are still on a seesaw of spring and winter each wk. Just enough temptation for spring fever yet having to watch snow come and go. Thanks for your thread, always a good read.
Meanwhile here the wind is blowing twenty to thirty with an occasional gust to forty or so. And every once in a while when the wind lets up and the snow calms down for a few seconds and visibility returns, there are the deer eating apples! It is so windy the deer must be leaning into the wind to keep from getting blown over.