What are some reasons to increase food plot size?
I've got a plot that is 0.25 acre with room to expand this plot to 0.5 acres. Right now for costs and simplicity I've stuck to rye / ladino clover combination. I have deer on camera multiple times everyday in the clover. It never gets browsed below 6". In the 0.25 acre plot I have pictures of up to 4 and 5 deer at once.
What are the reasons to expand this to
0.5 acres? I know clover is very productive and browse tolerant.
I've got a plot that is 0.25 acre with room to expand this plot to 0.5 acres. Right now for costs and simplicity I've stuck to rye / ladino clover combination. I have deer on camera multiple times everyday in the clover. It never gets browsed below 6". In the 0.25 acre plot I have pictures of up to 4 and 5 deer at once.
What are the reasons to expand this to
0.5 acres? I know clover is very productive and browse tolerant.