Rambling Plots


Well-Known Member
Just few pics from this week of T/M plots into WW / clover done late July. Usual mix of PTT , Daikon radish , DER. Same ole mix w same ole results. Spread seed , 19-19-19, mow wheat, go play golf.
Low stress low sweat low costs.
Add urea if you want it to pop but I didn’t use it as didn’t want add junk for grasses. Clovers fix plenty of N. Clover and wheat naturally reseed themselves. This method in this plot for 5 years.
Same methods for my 7yo clover / alfalfa / chicory and clover / chicory plots.
Weeds and grasses aplenty. No worries they just eating up excess N. Deer don’t care if plots are fugly!!





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Is that a West Virginia deer greens Smorgasbord?
I call it "Random Clusters of Brassica". But where are these weeds you speak of? Are you getting weed and diakon and turnips mixed up? That one looks like a cross between the two.
Is that a West Virginia deer greens Smorgasbord?
I call it "Random Clusters of Brassica". But where are these weeds you speak of? Are you getting weed and diakon and turnips mixed up? That one looks like a cross between the two.

The dead stems were weeds. And I mowed a pigweed takeoff after brassica had already got a foot tall! It’s really an ugly plot seen as a whole but I’d be afraid to make someone cry.

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I seed and mow in mid June here in my plots. Gives the deer and turkeys plenty of time to eat the wheat heads. My seed supplier has made the switch to awnless(beardless) wheat and they get eaten pretty good compared to the awned(bearded) wheat.

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I seed and mow in mid June here in my plots. Gives the deer and turkeys plenty of time to eat the wheat heads. My seed supplier has made the switch to awnless(beardless) wheat and they get eaten pretty good compared to the waned wheat.

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I seed and mow in mid June here in my plots. Gives the deer and turkeys plenty of time to eat the wheat heads. My seed supplier has made the switch to awnless(beardless) wheat and they get eaten pretty good compared to the waned wheat.

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I want to try the awnless wheat but last few years my wheat has reseeded it self even when I’ve sprayed to kill it. I’m not going to argue with no sweat free seeding until it tires of doing so.

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Deer have been kind. Lots of late dropping acorns this fall have them fat and sassy with less need for food plots.
Still, they love the sweet snack. Certainly plant brassica for the deer but really for the soil busting , mineral mining, abilities. This field will smell nasty in March and the self reseeding WW and clover will feed thru the summer. Then it’s T&M brassica all over again! All the farmers now want to be like us! Isn’t that just cool as crap!??




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Here is one of my main clover plots. Why do people worry of terminating prior growth in plots especially in their rotations. For goodness sakes why would one choose to give up free seed that plants itself?? I overseeded this WC with brassica 4 years ago. Since then each fall it has reseeded and provided a decent growth of turnips and radishes. Great food for the winter deer when clover struggles.
And no N added to this plot for 11 years. Now how does these grow so well? Of course the excess N made by the clover. Plotters whine about grass invading their clover yet fail to do anything to soak up the extra N that the grasses thrive on. When you see a problem , think of why it exists, and how it can be managed , as opposed to running to the chemical book for sprays to answer your never ending g problem. Feed the deer, let grains , brassica , and yes grasses suck up the problems all while mining free nutrients within the soil.
Save money. Save time. Save sweat. Let nature do her stuff.

In far distant background of second pic is a more dedicated brassica plot rotation. And to the right of it is my infamous Buffalo plot of clover.
Quick update on the rotational plots I’ve been showing. Remember much of this is reseeding itself w little or no input on my part. Worry of grasses or weeds is not necessary as they are part of the multicultural members contributing some way to the micro and macro communities.
Get on your knees and look closely at your plots. Get your finger nails dirty as you dig them into the soil felling it’s texture, observing root systems, and the visible organisms. Understand how the earthworm, moles , beetles, etc are working the soil for you. And bacteria mix beyond comprehension.
None of these plots I’m showing. have seen tillage for 8 years. Their ages are 6-12 years old. Seldom amendments except I will at times add 0-20-20 to clover/alfalfa. Urea to brassica. And of course I have lined twice in 12 years. Ph is 6-7.
You choose. But why terminate grains, or brassica when they will reseed for you?? Why spray when there is almost a symbiotic relationship thriving ?? And why would one terminate a clover plot because the powers say they deteriorate after 5 years. Hogwash. Do your own testing. Be patient. Watch. Observe. Your choice.
Green up w trees just starting to leaf out.

Self reseeded WW and RC in last years brassica plot. You can go back thru thread to see fall pics.

I mean how much clover do you want?? Do the deer care of the grasses ?? They sure don’t in my home yard.

More WW. These plots have not seen a planted seed for 3 years. All reseeding.

And it’s clover. Yes I’m lazy. Nature knows how.

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WW about to head out. I’ll mow it in 2 weeks to prepare for brassica seeding this year. Remember this is self reseeded WW in last years brassica plot I showed previously.

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Well I was going post more plots and pics and descriptions but it’s such a cluster to get anything to post any more. Sorry. Some other time. Not sure why all my pics get rotated 90 deg. Dang!

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Here is a 10+ year clover plot. It is the same I showed w self reseeding brassica. And full of grasses and weeds. Does it look to hurt anything? Don’t need to overthink. Mow occasionally and perhaps spray every 3-4 years.

646D668B-9949-46B7-9D6A-77303B51D1E2.jpeg This is field of WR and clover. Sometimes I mow mid summer, sometimes I let it go. Plenty of clover beneath. Do you see any overwhelming weeds hampering the clover? Nope it’s healthy beneath.

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See clover coexist quite well. The deer do t care if they have to eat between stalks. Growth helps control soil temps, prevents wind drying affect and mine minerals from the soil clovers use. You want to whine of monsoon? Or drought? Or heat? Maybe rethink your management and let what nature does work for you? Less money , time , and stress.