Neat video of a coyote chasing an 8 pt


New Member
One of my game cams is set to video and I got this short clip of a coyote chasing a buck off my property. The buck is fine, he came back thru about 3 hrs later. I was never sure if a lone coyote would attempt a healthy deer on it's own. This is the buck.

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Good video.

I caught the same thing twice in November on cameras (pics instead of videos). One was a single coyote right on the tail of a mature buck - both at full speed, and the second was a different single coyote surprising two does in a food plot. Both incidents happened in daylight. The buck was very early in the afternoon. The way it looked, the coyote must have got him out of his bed.

A friend gave me a gift subscription to Predator Extreme magazine recently, and the first issue came today. I scanned some of the articles, and one of them was about how that coyotes have practically eliminated foxes in a lot of places. It also talked a lot about how the coyote population in most places just keeps rising at a rapid rate.

I also read that wolves kill a lot of bears. I had no idea that happened, since I have neither here.

One article talked about how that most people in DNRs were very cautious about saying anything negative about wolves because of fear of losing their jobs.

Well...that's what you get when hippie heathens are running the government. A high percentage of them are into new age cults - like Shamanism and Neopaganism that worship predators, and think they are being lead by "Spirit Guides." To them the "new coyote" should be worthy of double worship - because it is both coyote and wolf - both of which are sacred in the cult religions.

Thanks again for sharing your video.
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I trapped when I was in High School, 30 years ago. I caught gray fox predominantly, and some red fox, along with coon, grinners, etc. Today I trap and I catch coyotes. Last year I caught 20 coyotes in about 4 weeks, 0 fox. This year I've caught 14 coyotes so far, 1 red fox - and it was in a Beaver snare! I have not seen a gray fox where I live, Central Indiana, for probably 15-20 years.
What part of the country?
East tx
Good video.

I caught the same thing twice in November on cameras (pics instead of videos). One was a single coyote right on the tail of a mature buck - both at full speed, and the second was a different single coyote surprising two does in a food plot. Both incidents happened in daylight. The buck was very early in the afternoon. The way it looked, the coyote must have got him out of his bed.

A friend gave me a gift subscription to Predator Extreme magazine recently, and the first issue came today. I scanned some of the articles, and one of them was about how that coyotes have practically eliminated foxes in a lot of places. It also talked a lot about how the coyote population in most places just keeps rising at a rapid rate.

I also read that wolves kill a lot of bears. I had no idea that happened, since I have neither here.

One article talked about how that most people in DNRs were very cautious about saying anything negative about wolves because of fear of losing their jobs.

Well...that's what you get when hippie heathens are running the government. A high percentage of them are into new age cults - like Shamanism and Neopaganism that worship predators, and think they are being lead by "Spirit Guides." To them the "new coyote" should be worthy of double worship - because it is both coyote and wolf - both of which are sacred in the cult religions.

Thanks again for sharing your video.
I have a breeding pair of foxes on this property. I enjoy the fox, (no quail or turkey) as I find them fun to watch. The coyote is not so safe. Also have a bobcat on this cam, he's not safe either.

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East txI have a breeding pair of foxes on this property. I enjoy the fox, (no quail or turkey) as I find them fun to watch. The coyote is not so safe. Also have a bobcat on this cam, he's not safe either.

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It's good to see those foxes. The last breeding pair I had pictures of was in 2012.